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FSX GOLD and Acceleration Pack will not reinstall.


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Hello again to all.


I`m afraid it`s me again, the 83 yr old `duffer` with rather limited PC knowledge.


I played FSX [on XP] for a long time without problems, but eventually it went `haywire` so I decided to uninstall it then reinstall it again from `scratch`. For some strange reason when trying to reinstall it the Install Shield Wizard will not give me an `install` option. It now only offers `remove or repair` options, and whichever of these I select I simply get error 1605.:confused: `action only valid for products already installed`. I can then proceed no further.


Going onto the Microsoft support site I was advised to download to my desktop the`Microsoft Software Licencing System Reset Tool Package`[for XP which I still use for many games]. This resulted in a Microsoft KB928080.exe file on my desktop. I was then advised to extract that file to C:\Microsoft KB928080. Next instruction was to run the Microsoft system reset tool via start>all programs>accessories>command prompt.Then type in cdC\>press `enter`>type in `cd Microsoft KB928080`>press enter> type in `resetsldl-All> press enter. This was then supposed to result in a `licence reset` prompt. However, all I get is `cd Microsoft KB928080 not recognised as internal or external command, operable program or batch file`. I get the same response to`reset sldl-All. Then again I can proceed no further.


I have tried the same procedure in Windows 7 [i have a dual boot machine] with exactly the same result.


I would be grateful if anyone can advise me on this please. :confused:

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Just to be sure of what's going on.....you uninstalled Acceleration first then uninstalled FSX using the Add/Remove programs in the Control Panel section of Windows?


Yes, exactly as you say. `Acceleration` first, then FSX. Incidentally will these games written for XP or Windows 7 run in Windows 10 ? I really have no idea !


Thanks for answering, I have noticed before that you are usually the first to do so. It`s very good of you.

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at the command prompt, you want to navigate to drive C:

then to folder c:\kb928080

then type the command resetsldl

with the switch -All



What you type in a command prompt needs to be precise, but there were some errors in what you posted. That is what caused it to fail.


you said: "I type cdC\"

then enter.


It needs to be:

cd C:\

then enter.

(so with a space between cd and C:\)



Next one:

You said: "I type: cd Microsoft kb928080"


It needs to be:

cd Microsoftkb928080


(You put in a space, but there should be no space between Microsoft and kb928080)


(The extra space is why you got the error. The command you gave asked it to open and go to folder


The error is trying to tell you there is no such folder.)



those two steps will have you in folder: C:\microsoftkb928080

(and that is where resetsldl resides)


At that point the command prompt will look like this:




There you type the command to run the registry cleaner.

The command is:

Resetsldl -All


(notice, there should be a space between Resetsldl and -All, that space is important.)




That is how to run it, but also important is how you extracted it beforehand.

To 'extract' the kb928080, you put it on the desktop, and DOUBLE CLICK IT THERE.

That automatically extracts it, to the correct folder.


Before Starting the steps in the command prompt, make sure folder


is on the system ok.




I said it all above, but in case you want to read another guide on it I wrote earlier, see this thread:


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..will these games written for XP or Windows 7 run in Windows 10 ?


I haven't got Win10, but for the record I've had FSX Gold (which includes Accel) for 8 years and it's worked fine on every different computer I've installed it on over the years under WinXP, Win7 and Win8.1, including a laptop.

(i've got no plans to get Win10 because I don't need it)

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at the command prompt, you want to navigate to drive C:

then to folder c:\kb928080

then type the command resetsldl

with the switch -All



What you type in a command prompt needs to be precise, but there were some errors in what you posted. That is what caused it to fail.


you said: "I type cdC\"

then enter.


It needs to be:

cd C:\

then enter.

(so with a space between cd and C:\)



Next one:

You said: "I type: cd Microsoft kb928080"


It needs to be:

cd Microsoftkb928080


(You put in a space, but there should be no space between Microsoft and kb928080)


(The extra space is why you got the error. The command you gave asked it to open and go to folder


The error is trying to tell you there is no such folder.)



those two steps will have you in folder: C:\microsoftkb928080

(and that is where resetsldl resides)


At that point the command prompt will look like this:




There you type the command to run the registry cleaner.

The command is:

Resetsldl -All


(notice, there should be a space between Resetsldl and -All, that space is important.)




That is how to run it, but also important is how you extracted it beforehand.

To 'extract' the kb928080, you put it on the desktop, and DOUBLE CLICK IT THERE.

That automatically extracts it, to the correct folder.


Before Starting the steps in the command prompt, make sure folder


is on the system ok.




I said it all above, but in case you want to read another guide on it I wrote earlier, see this thread:



Hi again.


I have carefully followed all your advice [as well as that of others] only to get exactly the same issues I mentioned right at the start. I think when uninstalling SFX.... I may have eliminated certain files that I shouldn`t have. Thinking about it now I seem to recall something about "H-key files", which meant absolutely nothing to me at the time.


I`m thinking that the only way I can perhaps get FSX back will be to pay `through the nose` for a `Steam` download/install. This of course I begrudge since I already purchased FSX Gold Acceleration pack. [The one which will not now install.]


Thanks anyway guys for your efforts !

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I carefully followed your advice [and later that of others] only to get exactly the same issues I described right at the start. I`m thinking that when uninstalling FSX I may have eliminated files that I shouldn`t have. I now recall something about "H-key files" which meant absolutely nothing to me.


It seems like the only way I may get FSX back may be to `pay through the nose` for a "Steam" download/install. Of course I begrudge this since I already purchased the boxed FSX Gold Acceleration Pack. [The one which will not now install].


Anyway guys, many thanks for your efforts !

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No need to buy a new hard copy - you will get the same results, although the steam variant should be unaffected. The problem is that there are still some references to the last install in the Registry - something you reference with your comment about H-key files.


First, try running a registry cleaning tool - one such freeware tool is CCleaner (found at https://www.piriform.com/. Do a internet search for free registry cleaner to find other such tools.


Run a cleaning tool and reboot then try installing FSX again. If you still have problems installing you could try another cleaner to see if that helps. If, however, you still have problems then your only recourse, other than getting the steam version, is to manually clean the registry.


This may sound daunting but with care, and some pre-clean precautions, is easy to do.


First, make a backup copy of the registry using the Windows restore utility. Another, and easier, option to make the backup is to download and install this Restore Point Creation tool http://www.toms-world.org/blog/restore_point_creator - it works in W7.8/10 and once installed allows you to easily create/delete/restore windows restore points.


Once you have got a restore point start the registry edit tool by


Win 10 - Click on the search icon in the taskbar and type Regedit. Once found click on the regedit entry to start the tool.


Win 7 - Click Start > Run and type Regedit in the field box and then click OK


a new window will open. Note that it has two columns. The left displays the individual sections of the registry and the right will display details of the individual keys when entries on the left are expanded. To start a search:


1. SINGLE left click on the Computer entry - this will ensure that the search starts at the very beginning of the registry.


2. Select EDIT > FIND on the menu bar (or press CTRL+F). This will display a window into which the search phrase is entered.


3. In the Find What field type FSX and hit enter. The search engine will then search for FSX and will display the first entry that it finds - it will be highlighted in blue.


NOTE: Depending on where the key is found will determine where it is highlighted. This is important because some entries will appear in a sub-key entry under Microsoft in the left hand panel whilst some entries will appear as individual entries in the right hand column.


If a sub-key is highlighted it is generally safe to delete the key by right clicking on it and

selecting delete.


If the highlighted entry is in the right col check to make sure that the entries within the col relates only to FSX. Your choice then is to only delete the highlighted entry or to look at the left hand col for the relevant sub-key entry - it will be highlighted in light grey - and delete the whole sub-key. FYI, having done this several times myself, I have yet to find any right hand col entries that have contained any keys related to other software other than FSX and have not encountered any problems by deleting the whole sub-key. However, if unsure simply delete the right hand col entry only.


4. Once you have deleted the first key press F3 to find the next. Continue until the utility reports that it has finished searching for entries.


Once the search has finished click File > Exit and reboot.




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So you have a problem with the step:

cd Microsoftkb928080




well, that is a very basic one. You are simply navigating the drive's folders.



means "change directory"



cd Microsoftkb928080

means: go to folder: Microsoftkb928080


That only works if:

-1- You are in folder C:\

(the command prompt looks like:



So that's why you first do the step:

cd C:\


and it only works if


The folder C:\Microsoftkb928080




Here's a screenie of my C drive after extracting the kb928080. Showing the folder is there.

When extracting, kb928080 must be on the desktop. Not somewhere else.

And you extract it to the default location offered.


c drive kb928080.JPG



And here's a screenie of the commands in the command prompt:

(If I press enter at this point it starts to run.

I won't do that step now of course, as it removes the fsx registry entries.

But when it runs you will see SUCCESS when done.)


To start a cmd prompt, click "Start"---"Run",

then type:


and press enter.


cmd prompt kb928080.JPG

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Yet again have followed your instr`s faithfully. still `no go`. Still get "not valid commands" then pressing enter again simply gets me C:\MicrosoftKB928080 again and again. Well fed up with this now !!! Too much for my ancient `grey matter`I think.

Looks like I may have to do what Scottb613 had to do- reinstall O\S from scratch then spend hours downloading all my stuff again. Here`s hoping I don`t make a `**** up` of the reinstall anyway !


My thanks again for the efforts of longbreak754 and all you other would be helpers. A great site this !!!

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