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FSX install in Windows 7 when DVD sulks and does not respond

Roger Wensley

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I have gone back several years in the forum but not found this problem; maybe someone can point me to a relevant post? I am installing FSX deluxe (modify that statement, I have TRIED to!) on a Windows 7 64 bit laptop, for the first time. The system does not open the DVD and begin installation. At all.
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DVD player OK? Do other DVD programs work?


You might give this thread a read through, as long as you can get past the first few idiotic posts.




OK, il, you beat me by 1 minute! Looks like the same type of info about DVD burning programs interfering. ;)

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Thanks for the quick responses. Personally I rate the heartfelt contribution of the pig to breakfast as demonstrating far more dedication than that of the chicken.


OK, when Apple sabotages Microsoft, does it mean that Apple are going to release a flight simulator? It was iTunes. Believe it or not.


I didn't very much like the 10 minutes or so that FSX messaged to me as "removing applications" while installing from disc 1; what was that about?

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OK smiler, now guess the next question, and "quickly"!


How do I, having spent the $39 for the Deluxe FSX some years ago, now get the Acceleration pack?


To get the "Acceleration Pack" probably the easiest and cheapest would be to buy FSX-SE.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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So that takes me around in a circle! I was debating about P3D and whether it really is better than FSX (so that I could use ORBX scenery), then I realised I had FSX and could just install it and buy ORBX while I make my mind up re P3D or not. So I did, and now to get Acceleration I have to buy FSX-XE? Why did I bother with FSX? The reason I need Acceleration is that the best model of Supercub needs Acceleration, and I cannot imagine flying anything else. I would post a pic but I still didn't find where to select an avatar; is it somewhere in my profile? And is that the same as my Forum Profile?
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So that takes me around in a circle! I was debating about P3D and whether it really is better than FSX (so that I could use ORBX scenery), then I realised I had FSX and could just install it and buy ORBX while I make my mind up re P3D or not. So I did, and now to get Acceleration I have to buy FSX-XE? Why did I bother with FSX? The reason I need Acceleration is that the best model of Supercub needs Acceleration, and I cannot imagine flying anything else. I would post a pic but I still didn't find where to select an avatar; is it somewhere in my profile? And is that the same as my Forum Profile?




Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Thanks for that, and in the meantime I found it too. You know anything about making scenery in FSX? I am thinking about converting some of my stuff from FS9 to FSX, there seems to be very little good freeware for Alaska. Or a lot of Canada, come to that. If not, I shall open another topic.
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I am thinking about converting some of my stuff from FS9 to FSX...


Most of your stuff works in FSX as is.


The two biggest areas of concern would be...


1) transparency- if any of your objects have transparency textures they may need to be adjusted for FSX.


2) location- as most of your stuff is designed for use with UT it should work OK in FSX as long as the user has UTX or an equivalent.


And of course, any default FS9 objects that you use may not be in FSX, though most are.


Best way to find out is to test.


I have used a few of your addons in X without any memorable problems.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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So delete the fences? Almost all of the other stuff (buildings etc) were made by me so nothing there I am not aware of already. How about landclass textures? Airport grass etc? Is it made differently? Next week I will try some and see.Tell me one you already tried and it was ok?

Whoever wrote it, yes, making scenery is such a pain in the ass, sometimes full of repetition and boring to the extreme, that each time you are making one you wonder why. It is only at the end when it looks alright that you end up slightly ahead and figure it was just about worth the effort, but only just.

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So delete the fences?

I am assuming they are planes with a transparent texture applied?


They may work in FSX, a test would verify.


How about landclass textures? Airport grass etc? Is it made differently?

Yes, it is made differently.


Terrain is the biggest difference between 9 and X. In some ways it is easier in X than it is in 9.


You can do most of the X terrain in ADEX, except for photoreal.


For that you need SBuilderX, which is very familiar if you know SBuilder.


FS9 terrain works, for the most part, in X. However, if you want to do new you would be better served to learn the FSX "way".


Tell me one you already tried and it was ok?

Sorry, I cannot recall any specifics now and do not have immediate access to my sim PC.


FSX-SE, that comes with the acceleration pack; I do not want to use steam anything as I sometimes do not have a quality net connection, or even a connection at all. Can I extract and install the acceleration for use with my dvd installation?


You need a connection to install FSX:SE. Once it is installed you can use it in offline mode and it behaves much like FSX:Boxed.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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