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Getting AI up and running again

liner simpilot

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Happy New Year, it's a long explanation but I had to uninstall FS9 before Christmas and start all over. I have all airports back up & running, my next step is to get all my AI's flight plans for major airlines going again. I went in and compiled them, & it say's it is completed, when I went into Fs9 and set up a flight, there are no airliners at the gates or flying I flew around and landed after about 10 minutes thinking that the airlines will start appearing. Am I missing something as it has been awhile since I had to get the AI's up and running again. I would greatly appreciate any help on this issues. Thanks Kenny
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First check the Options. In FS9, choose Options/Setting/Traffic, then make sure both boxes are checked on the left, and the slider is at 100%.


Second, look in your Scenery/World/scenery folder and make sure the compiled BGL files are in there (or wherever you compiled them to).


Third, look in your Aircraft folder and make sure you have added all the AI planes back to your sim.


Hope this helps,

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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Thanks #88pp, the image I posted is showing the Woa aircraft folder, that never changed as it stayed there after having to uninstall & reinstalling FS9. My FS9 is outside the x86 as suggested sometime ago with Window OS7. As for BGL files I went into TTools and did a compile of flight plans that had completed successfully as my image shows below & traffic under World/scenery where the BGL is found. I don't know if the Airlines will suddenly appear as I start flying? I hope this answers your question. Thanks Kenny
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Thanks copperpen, I compiled & successfully completed. The image below shows just some of the screeshot to show my Woa aircraft's that is in my aircraft folder. The image that is close that that image is showing traffic files that are in my World/scenery folder. I have flown around for a little time, but no Airlines not sure if the planes will suddenly show up? Thanks Kenny look forward to reading everyone's responses.
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I wasn't sure yesterday, but I found this now. It seems that in FS9 the AI aircraft must be installed in the \Aircraft folder. Just like all the user aircraft.





Regarding trafficplans:

I think you should end up with a seperate .bgl file for each airline.

And have all those .bgl files in the \World\scenery folder.





Now for some more general thoughts.


I'm thinking, did you assign your planes to the trafficplans??

I'l try to explain.

When you compile a trafficplan (.bgl) you start out with three files. aircraft_***.txt flightplans_***.txt and Airports_***.txt.


The one I'm thinking of here is Aircraft_***.txt

The file contains a list of aircraft. These will fly the trafficplan after compiling.


The aircraft in the "Aircraft_***.txt file are listed by their "title=" line.

So before compiling you are supposed to go through the aircraft you have installed, and look if all these title= lines are in existing aircraft.cfg files.

(Or, go through your aircraft, and find the aircraft+texture you want the plan to use.

Find it's title= line.

Then edit the file "Aircraft_***.txt" so it contains YOUR aircraft.

Then compile the three files.)

You Will Understand That Both Methods Mean A LOT Of Work!!


If the aircraft titles in the file Aircraft_***.txt do not correspond to

you installed aircraft. Well, then nothing will show.



What is also confusing to me is why you RE-compiled the plans in the first place.

If you have them .bgl files backed up from the old install, you can simply grab those .bgl files and put them back in the new install.

Those .bgl files worked, with the planes you had.

No recompiling needed. (assuming you also have the old planes to go with them.)




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Thanks Tom, the slider is at 100%, I checked the BGL file it is there, all airlines WOAI's are ok. everything seems right, if all is good should my airlines come alive eventually? see pics. Thanks Kenny


In your attached image of this post you have the TDBB Traffic030528.bgl as a active file. Delete it since you already made a backup.


Microsoft TDBB compiled flightplans and WOAI TTool FP's do not work well together.

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I appreciate everyone's posting responses. This is getting frustrated as I am reading & following the steps that are here on my posting. I thought if it is going to take a lot of time, I might as well start completely over if that is all possible. When I originally did this many years ago, I had no problems downloading all the WOAI aircrafts, everything worked great with no issues, now all I get is "Unhandled Occurence (see screenshot). I have complete control to my computer. I thought by deleting everything I figured this would be a lot easier starting a fresh start, as though I never did this. As for details button is is too much info, not sure if other simmers had a similar issue. Sometimes I get lost on doing things, when I had no previous issues yrs ago downloading WOAI aircraft's. It would be great if I had someone where I live that knows & understands this issue. I will keep on trying. Thanks Kenny

unhandled exception.jpg

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That happens when you try to run the installer from inside the zip file.


You have to unzip the installer first.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Thanks to everyone for your help. I do believe I have my airlines up & running once again. Some came quickly others possibly will come as I go flying more will check from time to time as everything was installed successfully. I did what you mentioned Mr. Stringbean, I did not know by having the installer in a different folder made that difference, it did as I removed it and went smoothly. A lesson learned. Thanks Kenny
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