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Upon disconnectng autopilot the plane crashes


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I'm in FS9 using the Posky AA 757 Retrojet Circa 2003. KDEN-KMIA The Enroute is perfect No complaints there. But, when the runway is in sight, there comes a point where one has to make the decision as to when to d/c the a/p. I suppose it's a little different for everybody. At any rate, it was at this point, plane took a steep nose down attitude, and crashed into the ground. Despite, pulling my yoke back all the way, it didn't do a thing to prevent the plane from crashing.


Here's the kicker: This happened after a complete uninstall of FS9.(Including the deleting of files and settings.) using I/Obits uninstaller, which looks for leftover bits (files etc. including cleaning the registry) Perhaps I should have run CCleaner as well, to look at the registry. Hindsight is always 20/20.


So, beyond the standard install, I have the Saitek X52 (for the throttle.)

CH Eclipse Yoke

And the Saitek Cessna Rudder Pedals.

And of course the above referenced 757


Thanks for your help, in advance,



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There was an update to the Posky 757 that corrected this problem. I had the same issue until I downloaded the fix. I'll see if I can find it for you. In the meantime try searching for it. If you reinstalled FS9 you probably didn't install the fix.
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I'm sry but I can't figure out what I did to fix the problem. I remember I searched for 2 days until finally finding a fix. I've looked just now and I am not having any luck. Maybe someone else here can help. But I did have the exact problem you were having. It is fixable.
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I have downloaded, installed and test flew this aircraft. It handled flawlessly when I disengaged the AP and AT approx. 4.5 miles from touchdown on Runway 28R at KSFO. I had just set full flaps, and landing speed of around 138 knots.


Now the question will be how far out did you disengage the AP and were you set correctly for landing?

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I'll do you one better. I just so happen to have recorded the approach with FS Recorder version 2.17.


All I would need to do, is upload the .frc here, and you guys would need to have the program FS-R installed on your machine. Then, open up FS9, under the FSrecorder menu select Play... which would bring up a host of files in my case, and you would choose the file you want to play. And it plays through the FS9 "Interface." 2.17 does not save the fuel settings. So, if you had 20% fuel remaining, and you are going in for a landing, save the file, then play it back it will show 100% fuel.


In the meantime, I'll contact the owner of FSR and see if it would be ok with him if I uploaded an .frc to a public forum.


No Inflight Meal?

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I've run into this problem many times. I find it best that at some phase of the flight to disengage the autopilot, let the plane level out, then turn the autopilot back on as normal. At the end of the flight and the autopilot is again disengaged the plane's trim should be at a point to where it won't take that nose dive.
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This problem has been discussed many times and there are a few solutions. One thing that occurs with MANY aircraft (because many simmers have reported success with this) is related to whatr mqytn said. In some aircraft, when the d/c the a/p, the control surfaces revert to what they were when you switched on the a/p. From here the solution should be obvious - just before you d/c, manually set the control surfaces (flaps, trim, elevators - all of them) to what they are under a/p control.
Steve from Murwilllumbah.
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Just to bring the thread a) full circle, and b) to a happy ending...


I may have not mentioned before, but I have 3 controllers. The X52, (both components are still hooked up,) the CH Eclipse Yoke, and last but not least, the Saitek Rudder Pedals.


I think because of the reinstall that I did, I think that the Ailerons and Elevators, that were mapped to the Rudder, were in conflict the CH Eclipse.


Once that was corrected, things have returned to normal. Perhaps one of my multiple re-calibrations of the yoke played a part in it as well.


So for now, anyway, things are working as they should.


All of which, couldn't have been done, without your help. Thanks.



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