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unistalling FS9 & reinstalling it

liner simpilot

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I have a question regarding unistalling FS9 & reinstalling it not sure, if this will correct my problem. If I do it will I still have all my downloads, including all A/C, scenery's etc? I am still having problems with having my logbook after my flight so I can add my flight to my personal logbook. I had to do a update on my Window 7 a few months ago, somehow lost my logbook. I went into the general section made sure logbook was still checked off & it was, made sure my flight was on flight time it was. I went into the CFG to logbook area deleted it I hoped it would recreate it. Did a flight still no logbook show up after my flight ended. I hope someone out there can please help me with this problem. Thanks Kenny
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Before you do anything, try to repair the version installed. Put disc #1 in and let it start. It will ask you if you want uninstall or repair. Select repair. Let it run. See if the logbook is still missing. If it is then use the FS uninstall. Don't worry about any of your add ons as they will still be there. Good luck!
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I've never used the logbook in FS9 so I'm not sure how to restore all that you had, but the secondary issue of a FS9 reinstall is very drastic and you may lose or have to reinstall other programs that have attached themselves to it and run inside of it such as FSNav ... I'm speaking of a complete uninstall and then subsequent install from disc.


Then you'll have to reinstall FSUIPC, the FS9 update, etc..


You would also have to go back in and put all of the sim's settings back to your preference.


Move back into the sim all of the files you saved before the unistall .... textures, aircraft, gauges, scenery/addon scenery .... yada yada.


You will be building the sim again from the ground up ... possibly having to reinstall payware as well ... a pain in the butt.


Pause .... deep breath here.


You can accomplish much of what a reinstall will do by simply deleting the FS9 cfg file.


The next time the sim starts it will write a new one .... you will simply only have to redo the sim's settings, but all of the addons will still be in place and not effected ... and the sim's registry in Window's will remain in place.




Again, I don't know how to restore your logbook, but it sounds like you think some of those logs are lost and are ready to start over or reset the log taking process.


If that's the case and someone with more knowledge of how to solve the logbook mystery, then you will surely be better off deleting the main FS9 cfg file and redoing settings, than you would rebuilding the entire sim.




[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Extensive flight planning is the key to proper operation.

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Then you'll have to reinstall FSUIPC, the FS9 update, etc..


You would also have to go back in and put all of the sim's settings back to your preference.


Move back into the sim all of the files you saved before the unistall .... textures, aircraft, gauges, scenery/addon scenery .... yada yada.


Ah, but one day you WILL have to reinstall FS9 :(


That's why it's worth spending some time investigating a backup strategy. All of my scenery and both the aircraft I fly have been backed up in such a way that all I have to do is copy them over after the basic FS9 has been reinstalled. These two items are the biggest part of reinstallation for me and I have solved the hassle by having a proper backup plan. Not everything can be backed up like this - some things do have to be reinstalled from the original media - but every little helps, as they say!



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Deleting the fs9.cfg file then running the sim again as Salt_air says will do the trick. It will not bring back the old logbook but you should at least get a new working logbook. I lost my logbook and it occurred to me to delete the file and restart the sim and it worked like a charm.
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For the logbook thing it's pretty simple actually, you don't need to reinstall and it most likely won't fix the problem anyway because these files are retained even when you uninstall/reinstall.


In your Flight Simulator Files folder you should have a .log file, it might be "Jim.log", "Kenny.log" or whatever name you gave it in the FS9 settings when you told the sim to log your time. If you didn't specify a name for your logbook then it will be named simply "logbook.log".


Check the Flight Simulator Files folder (where your flights are saved) to see what's there, you can open and read a .log with Notepad so if there are more than one check them out in Notepad and decide which one you want to use.


(don't try to edit and save a logbook file in Notepad, it's possible to corrupt it doing that, just look at them and close without saving)



Open your FS9.cfg and find:









...so if you have "Kenny.log" in your Flight Simulator Files folder then you need this on that line:





...if you had "Jim.log" in your Flight Simulator Files folder (in my case) then you'd need this on that line:





If you never assigned a logbook name and therefore your logbook file is simply "logbook.log" then you'll want this on that line:





Basically the sim just needs to know what the filename of your logbook is.

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Thanks to all the help. Right now I will not reinstall Fs9 yet. What happens is at the end of my flight, upon exiting the FS9 it usually comes up with the logbook that shows the A/C, total hours, ins hours etc.. Now when I exit my monitor goes black, then I hit esc then my monitor is back to normal. I did look at the fs9.cfg found the logbook section, here is the print screen showing what it say's as well as the settings section say's. I cannot imagine why I would loose it as this has never happened to me in all the Windows updates I have had to do thru the yrs, it never infected that before. I hope this helps a bit more on what is happening. I like using as it gives me the flt time to add to my personal logbook instead of a approx. time. Kenny

CFG logbook.jpg

settings for logbook.jpg

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