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Urban ground textures at night and SBuilder

Roger Wensley

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Because of the locations of the sceneries that I usually make (remote, away from large towns, close to big trees, etc) I have only come across this problem once before, and a long time ago. I didn't solve it. In a nutshell, the town of Kenai in FS9 has been made way too large and I have reshaped and reduced it with SBuilder ground textures (coniferous forest, and grassland for the airport areas) but at night all the previous town areas shine their patches of light through what is now forest and airport grass. SBuilder textures work during the night as well as the day; should they not stop the urban lights too? Or is there a specific trick?
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IIRC this can happen when you "stack" landclass polys on top of each other.


If you surround your airport background poly with another class, you have to cut a hole in that class.


In this crude example...




...you would have to shape the red poly around the green one, not just lay it under the green one.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


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I am aware that you cannot overlay Sbuilder textures, and I have not. However, I have now established that I have definitely created a fault within the SBuilder textures (and not within FS9). Probably by mixing too many textures within one bgl, so I will simplify and see where I get to.
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