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Airbus 318-319-320s

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Hello All

Which of the freeware Airbus 18-21 panels would you recommend ?

Do you think the default a321 is a good enough offering.

I ask because as a fairly new user of X iam enjoying the GA,Classic aircraft and I find the panels that go with them are usually top quality ported over from 9.

What iam missing is the quality jet liner panels available for 9 (Pspanels ,Ken Mitchell etc etc).

Hence my query.

Please no comments along the lines of 'do it yourself' iam to stupid so that is not an option.

The panels I've checked out for airliners just do not match the quality of my Fs9 equivalents IMHO.

Cheers Andy

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You can try the PA A320 FD-FMC that I just realized :




It is the first freeware with a FMC which manages real vertical navigation.


There is a panel update (v1.11) that can be download on my website : http://freenavdbgroup.com/


Please note as this FMC manages verticale navigation, you cannot use with another aircraft, because it requires aircraft performance data in its code.

A318 FD-FMC will be ready in one week.



FD-FMC website with SID/STAR/Approaches databse : http://freenavdbgroup.com/


My photo website : http://francois-dore.fr/

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You can try the PA A320 FD-FMC that I just realized :




It is the first freeware with a FMC which manages real vertical navigation.


There is a panel update (v1.11) that can be download on my website : http://freenavdbgroup.com/


Please note as this FMC manages verticale navigation, you cannot use with another aircraft, because it requires aircraft performance data in its code.

QA318 FD-FMC will be ready in one week.




Hello François

I am still learning the ropes as far as FSX is concerned, and your panel is definitely something I could be interested in the future.

Having lost FSNav in X it could actually bring me back to flying in the manner I used to in fs9 ie flight plans created and managed by FSNav and no interaction with the default ATC.

At this moment in time I fear your panel may be more than my ageing brain could handle. It does all look a little complicated for me at present.

I am still trying to get the hang of flying the airliners without all those wonderful free gauges that made for a trouble free flight experience in fs9. Its like going back ten years and learning all those keyboard shortcuts again.

Anyways François I will keep my eye on the forums were your panel is concerned, just to see how other simmers are experincing it and how possible future development's may be coming on (if needed of course :))


Cheers Andy

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