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2D cockpit view missing!


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Hello all. Somewhere along the way I have lost my left seat 2D cockpit panel view...just scenery like the camera is on the nose. I doesn't happen on all aircraft just the CaptSim 727 and the Razbam metro III. I have been working on different liveries for the razbam but thats it. Could I have knocked the camera view off of the aircraft cfg file somehow? I can do the cntrl Q command and get it back somewhat but its still not right and it goes away when I switch back from another view like vc or right seat 2D view. Any ideas welcome.





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Hi mrzippy, yeah I tried that too. I also just noticed my ehsi panel doesn't pop up when I touch it either. Now that I'm digging further the popups on a bunch of my other aircraft aren't working either. This may be deeper than I had expected.....maybe a whole new fsx reinstall in my future! Everything started going wrong yesterday when I tried to change the atc id on a repaint that I had just done and it would not take. I think I'm done with repaints just not worth the weeks of effort when the whole idea was to just fly. :(
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