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MSFS Learjet 35A T-782 Swiss Air Force 1.3.0

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About This File

Payware Flysimware Learjet 35A is needed.


This repaint shows Learjet 35A T-782 of Swiss Air Force. Built 1977 with c/n 35A-145. Delivered to Swiss Air-Ambulance in 1978 wearing formerly a white paintscheme with red stribes.
HB-VFB was taken over by Lufttransportdienst des Bundes/Swiss Government in April 1988 wearing all red paintscheme without REGA Swiss Air-Ambulance stickers.


Came to Swiss Air Force with s/n T-782 in 1992 und was used for passenger transport and ECM/ELINT operations.


In 1996 aircraft was sold and came to Pel-Air Aviation Australia as VH-SLD. Aircraft is still in use until today.



Unzip and move it to your MSFS Community folder. Enjoy!


This repaint is freeware; you may use and modify it as you wish for your own use. It may not be used or sold for commercial purposes, nor published on any website that charges for downloading either directly or through a membership fee. If you want to publish repaints based on it, you need written permission from the author.

Thomas Roehl,
January 2024

What's New in Version 1.2.0   See changelog


V1.2. Updated to new model - please delete older repaints of this livery

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