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MSFS EGOX Oxenhope

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About This File

MSFS EGOX Oxenhope Cleared all the trees, added runway 11-29 as the runway in use for landings and take offs, added three GA small parking spots and a windsock, all in the correct places (more or less). Default buildings, no radio (use Leeds-Bradford nearby) and no fuel, but ground services will marshall you into a parking spot, luxury! Oxenhope is situated near Haworth, home of the Bronte sisters. If you take off from runway 29, Wuthering Heights is on the moor at your one o'clock. Landing at Oxenhope is like landing on an aircraft carrier, especially in a crosswind - very challenging! This airfield was modified with ADE2020 Alpha 21, Hotfix 5 and can be modified further by anyone who wants to add more detail, you're welcome. By Tim Wright.

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