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FS2004 Scenery--Gods Lake Lodge CJB6 In North Manitoba Canada

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FS2004 Scenery--Gods Lake Lodge CJB6 In North Manitoba Canada. Gods Lake Lodge is on the shore at the eastern end of Gods Lake. There are five other airfields around this lake and Knee Lake, all within a short hop that varies from 15 miles to 60 miles. The official name of the airfield is just "Gods Lake", but as the operator is in fact the nearby lodge I have added that to the name. The airfield is at 605 feet above sea level and has 2,500 feet of gravel runway aligned 16-34. It is only for summer use and has no lights or PAPI etc. CJB6 is a registered airfield and is included in the Nav Canada airfield handbook, with the operator named as "Olafson's Gods Lake Lodge". This is posted as an individual airport with textures etc but should preferably be added into the Gillam post by copying over the BGL's and textures (though some of the textures are probably already in the Gillam post). Whatever you prefer to do. If you find an error email me please. There is no video of the airfield. By Roger Wensley.

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