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FS2004 Scenery--Khartoum International Airport (HSSS) V1. Thank you for downloading Khartoum International Airport for FS9. This is the main gateway to the Republic of Sudan. I tried to recreate the scenery as the airport currently looks like. Scenery contains Terminal 1, Terminal 2, Arrival Terminal, Military Hangards, Fire stations, Hangars, Sudan Airways Headquarters. Airport was built by Sketchup, ADE, Fencebuilder Pro, AFL Lights SbuilderFS9, Bill Melichar Tropical Trees Macros. Scenery uses Rwy12 object library (RWY12_1.ZIP). Special thanks to Husam Jubara who was "my eyes on the ground" on the project and also helped accuracy with Arabic signs. By Emmanuel Mwandosya. (See also HSSS-KHARTOUMV1_1.ZIP)

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