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FSX Boeing 787 2D Panel

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FSX Boeing 787 2D Panel. This is a new panel for the Boeing 787 based on flight deck photos and the Boeing Operations Manual. It is specifically designed for FSX and 1920x1080 monitors and is unlikely to work on smaller ones. It may work on FS2004 but many features will not. This panel includes a comprehensive set of Synoptic displays, a fully functioning HUD based on the Boeing specification for the 787, and all gauges are specific to the Boeing 787. V Speeds and MLWs are for the 787-8 only but the panel can be used on the 787-9 as well. It works well with the TDS model and has been tested with the FSLightman model as well. By G. Munro.

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Hey G. Munro,


Really dig the panel! However I have one small problem, the Large MFD (one shown in F/O side) is always sticky for some reason (Shows in the same position whether im in Cockpit, Spot, Tower, other views)


Any tips on how to fix this?



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Actually this happened by accident during development and it seemed like a good idea so I left it like that. You can get rid of it just be switching the MFD to another screen. I suppose I could find a way to stop it (although I never figured out why it happens) but its debatable whether its a bug or a feature.

G. Munro

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Thanks for the reply! I found a small fix to suit my need that is to keep the Large MFD on at all times on one of the side (Captain or FO), leaving the other side configurable (Switching to EICAS/checklists/etc.) through some panel.cfg edits :)
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No debate about it. If you could click it on and off, it would be a feature. But because it won't go away it's a bug or like an annoying virus webpage pop up;)
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Hi, i like this panel but everytime after i do a long flight or accelerate time x16 if i end flight, go to instant reply or try change aircraft FSX always seems to crash. it says error message and restarts FSX. Sometimes the screen just goes blank. and yes i have installed the panel correctly, i followed all the installation instructions.(b787 cabinet file & panel.cfg were put into tds 787 aircraft panel folder). Does anybody have this same issue. Does the author of the panel have a email address to ask for help?
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In it s own right, it is a master piece!

Wether it is representing a true \b787 panel or not or partially,it does not matter!


Have to mention that from FSX safed flight,all ""feathers"" show as extended!

Means full ..flaps ,airbrake,U/C ;but after reset to previous FSX saved ,normal earlier config ok!

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