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Tips For Quicker Healing After A Serious Injury



Nobody enjoys getting injured. When you experience an injury that impacts your daily life, it can set you back several spaces during a time when you are already very vulnerable. It can interfere with your ability to cook, clean, exercise, bathe, and even perform crucial tasks that you do for employment. Even aside from the logistics, being injured is painful and tiring at best. You may be looking for some ways to make the process go by faster. Luckily, there are a few things you can do in order to streamline the healing process.


Eat Right


Interestingly enough, your diet plays a large role in the duration of your recovery time. Food is fuel, and by eating certain foods you can help your cells rebuild and recover from damage. Calcium-rich such as dairy and leafy greens help to rebuild bone mass. (Don't forget that vitamin D is also necessary in order to absorb calcium!) The protein found in meats and fish can help to rebuild muscle tissue. Fatty fish, soybeans, and some nuts contain omega-3s that reduce inflammation. Choose your meals depending on what injury you have sustained, and you may end up recovering faster.


Use Stem Wave Therapy


This type of therapy is a non-invasive, FDA-approved method of healing musculoskeletal injuries. During this treatment, sound waves are emitted by a stem wave therapy machine toward injured portions of the body. This improves circulation and promotes quicker healing. This procedure is cost-effective and low risk, with no chance of leaving scarring and no need for anesthesia. In addition to acute injuries, stem wave therapy can also help to treat chronic pain.


Keep Moving


When you are injured, it is important not to completely stop all movement. For a few days (depending on the nature of the injury), you should likely rest and allow the wound some time away from motion, but too much rest can actually be very bad for healing. When you restrict movement for a longer period of time, it can be difficult to get back into your usual activities and sustain your limitations for longer. Ask your physician about exercises you can do to regain and improve your range of motion.




Hydration is an important, key factor in almost every area of life. When it comes to injuries, dehydration can really impact your ability to heal. Drinking enough water will help you to rebuild muscle tissue that is injured when you are wounded. Hydration is also generally good in order to maintain the general functioning of the body's systems and flush out toxins. When you experience an injury, don't forget to stay hydrated to ensure that you recover as quickly as possible.




Sleep is another essential that can make or break your healing process. Sleep deprivation can hinder the body's ability to heal. Without enough sleep, your body loses some of its ability to produce an inflammatory reaction that is necessary for recovery. This also decreases its ability to make certain hormones that can aid in injury repair. You may feel more tired when you sustain an injury, and that is perfectly normal. You should listen to your body and allow yourself to rest as much as you need so that you can recover quickly.


An injury can take a lot out of you. It can make daily tasks more difficult and drawn-out as well as eliminate your ability to do certain things altogether. If you had the choice, you would speed the process up as much as possible. So why not try to implement some of these tips to see how they help you in your journey to recovery?


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