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Flightsim experience compared to Avsim



I just thought I would take a moment to reflect on how Flightsim is a much more friendly and professional place than Avsim. I've been simming for decades, have a PPL, and I am a member of both sites for many years. A few months ago, when I had a negative experience at Avsim over a blog about a Virtual Airline I wrote about, my post was banned, then I was banned without notice and treated like pond scum at Avsim. To think I donated $ to them when their server has hacked! My very same carbon copied blog here received a lot of encouragement and advice about excellent VAs to join, and needless to say, I was not banned, nor was my membership yanked. Since then, I've noticed Avsim's forum posts have had a few people complaining about being treated rudely by moderators and admin. folks for no valid reason whatsoever. You can bet for everyone brave enough to post about it, there would be 100 who did not. For example, one poster was simply asking about EULA agreements and he was given a verbal thrashing and had his post banned! I see absolutely none of that here. So, I thought that I might offer a bit of thanks to all of you in this community for your helpfulness, openness and courtesy. It is appreciated.

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