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Across the USA West



I am flying this flight real time, so sometimes I hit Escape to place all on hold for a while or I will save a flight and continue when I can. As I get better at this I will include some screenshots.


January 23, 2011.

Took off and some clouds from KOWD flew at 6000 feet to Block Island, KBID.


January 24, 2011.

Left Block Island en route to Hot Springs, Arkansas, KHSP. I overflew that beautiful flight down the mountain, so the whole area of this part of the country with the Mountains national Park is just beautiful. I decided to stop in and see my granddaughter who lives right beside the airport, 9A0 in Georgia did it all on half a tank of fuel weather is beautiful, Headwind about 14 kn. I flew this at 8000 feet until I reached Asheville, North Carolina and then I dissented to 7000 to finish the Mountains. The Blue Ridge Pkwy. is just gorgeous.


I'm amazed at how how far I can fly with the wing tanks and a full load.


January 25, 2011.


Well, I am sitting here in 9A0 Georgia it's raining, big clouds in the sky. My son is a ranger and stationed near here.

All about to head West over to KDCU about an hour away. The wind is from 075 9 kn, so I will use use runway 15.

On my way

checklist done.

Courses 278 ground speed 165,.climbing to 5000 feet charts say I need 4600, so this will do it.

I am just barely VFR are here.

The mountains just north of Atlanta, Georgia are really beautiful. A lot of haze today, but I can still see the mountains ahead.

Just 22 min. out of Shawnee regional and the clouds are really closing in. I hope I can land there.


January 28, 2011.

I left Georgia with full fuel tanks heading West. Mostly at 8000 to 10,000 feet a little bit of a headwind, but not bad.


I need to figure out just how far I could go on these fuel tanks. I have decided to land at Sedona, Arizona, KSEZ. The terrain around here is beautiful.


I need to go to work for couple of days, so no flying. Hopefully the weather will hold out for me. I'll have nice weather to the West Coast. Once I reach the West Coast probably San Diego. I then plan to fly to Hawaii. Once I leave the United States sky vector is out of the question, so I'm not sure what I plan on using for charts after this. I need to go online and look around.

Edited by Tom


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