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I Better not Jinx Myself.

Over a year has passed since my last blog post about MSFS 2020. Numerous updates and additional content has been released for the sim from MS and Asobo. Thing seem to finally settling down in the sim with consistent crashes, borked downloads, things resetting on their own. Just really has become an all round very nice game to have. I love it, from the random crashes, the constant (supposed) loss of internet connection (cue random finger painted abstract art,) and the auto reset of graphics back

MSFS202 : You Can Not be Serious!

Well, I suppose it can be serious. ANd by, it, I mean that 150Gb + installation of MSFS2020. (Or is it now around the 80Gb mark since the X-Box version?)   As I left it previously, all was sort of going very well. MSFS looked pretty, behaved itself, had the bugs and the nuances that tend to plague new releases of a game. Think Cyberpunk 2077 and the complete shit storm around that. Day one was just a failure, graphics were not as good as anticipated, powerful systems were being brought
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