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Ah, the grand old issue. What's to make of it? Most agree that it's wrong, but after that we enter a debate riddled with heated opinions and vastly different ideaology. Few things are as gray.   What about drinking and driving? That's an easy one to talk about. Even recovering alcoholics and drivers with DUIs on their records will tell you it's wrong to drive after you're up to .08, which for most people is one drink. There are no people waiting in the wings to argue that under certain and/or s



'growing' up on a ranch

I told a bit of a falsehood, I guess. I didn't actually grow up on a ranch. I grew up 'around' a ranch, for whatever that's worth. I spent a fair amount of time at my Aunt's ranch in Livermore.   My actual home was in Castro Valley, CA; a small suburban settlement of neverending housing developments in the East bay area. Our house was on top of a hill that (on a good day) enabled views clear to San Jose and San Francisco. Castro Valley was caught in a situation unique to California: stuck betw



a beginning of sorts.

This is my first Blog! The idea of blogging has always appealled to me; mainly because I talk to much and I've always got an opinion.:cool: If you follow this website's forums you know that I post nearly every day. That makes it automatically a good place for me to start my blogging----just because I'm 'here' a lot.   I've always taken pride in my narrative and descriptive writing skills. I feel I have a natural ability to place a reader (or listener, for that matter) in the situation; to make



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