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Lets see what happens...

I decided to dust off my copy of FSX and install it on my second computer. Its been awhile since I've flown straight out of the box FSX. It was like a breath of fresh air. The only change I made was the resolution to match my monitor. I then set up a flight from KACY to KBWI. Again, I did not touch anything. The computer has a gtx760, 8GB Ram, AMD 8120 CPU, Windows 7 (Home Edition), and a Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick. The FPS was a solid twenty the whole flight. I know this is nothing spectacul



After reading alot of forum posts...

I would just like to share some of my experiences, my trials and errors, in the hopes that it will help someone that is not very knowledgeable about the computers and simulators that we have come to enjoy. I did have at one time FS2000 and FS2002. I now actively fly FS2004, FSX SE, X-Plane 10 SE, and Prepar3D. I personally enjoy all the sims for personal reasons. The real journey started when I bought a Rail simulator disc, which I wasn't aware of at the time, it introduced me to steam. The comp



Passion for Flight

This is my first blog I have written. I have so much to say and share about flight simulation that blogging will be a good way to share it. The thought I want to share first, and most, is THANKS. Thank you to all the developers, the designers, the people that share their experience, that take the time to post, to better the experience for the whole of the fight simulation community. My hope for the future is to share my learning and understanding that I have acquired to help someone to enjoy the



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