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Prepar3D V3 Legacy SimConnect Utilization


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I was wondering how Prepar3D manages to utilize former versions of SimConnect. When I look at the about section of Prepar3D v3, it tells me that the Simconnect version is Has Prepar3D 3.4 always used this version of SimConnect, which is its own I would imagine? I have an older aircraft that once worked in my current version of Prepar3D (, but stopped working as of late for some reason. When I look at the content log file generated by the sim, it tells me to verify the correct version of SimConnect is installed, as it cannot communicate with the aircraft's gauge file. I did go into the sim root folder to install each of the former versions, but it seems as if P3D is not recognizing that they are there. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the simconnect modules one by one. What else may I need to do?
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I was wondering how Prepar3D manages to utilize former versions of SimConnect. When I look at the about section of Prepar3D v3, it tells me that the Simconnect version is Has Prepar3D 3.4 always used this version of SimConnect, which is its own I would imagine? I have an older aircraft that once worked in my current version of Prepar3D (, but stopped working as of late for some reason. When I look at the content log file generated by the sim, it tells me to verify the correct version of SimConnect is installed, as it cannot communicate with the aircraft's gauge file. I did go into the sim root folder to install each of the former versions, but it seems as if P3D is not recognizing that they are there. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the simconnect modules one by one. What else may I need to do?


SimConnect is NOT a simulator file, no matter its name or its location in the P3D setup. It's a Windows file used by the version of the simulator, or by addons.


To restore the SimConnect version simply go to the Redist folder and access the Interface files contained therein.

The Key folder to access is FSX-SP2-XPACK - retail - lib - SimConnect.msi.


Right click and choose `repair`.


As you can have different versions of SimConnect installed at the same time, you can also repeat the exercise for the other folders under the Interface sub-menu.


Your Windows installation should show you which versions of SimConnect you have installed - there are four of them in total. Assuming Win 10 go to Apps and Features and type `SimC` in the `search, sort and filter` box. All four versions should be shown.

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