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PTA: Where has this been all my life?


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P3D Tweak Assistant (PTA) for P3D v4 is amazing. Where has this been all my life? I saw this on the REX website and checked it out. I wish I had this before today. It is truly what they advertise. If you are like me, visit (https://www.simtweaks.com/) to get this program. I truly don't know how I missed out on this until now.


Win 10 | Area 51 R5 | i7 9800x 4.5 GHz | RTX 2080 8GB | 32GB 2666Mhz DDR4 | HP Envy 34c

"One woman's chop is another man's turbulence"

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If you're like me, it's the latest thing for faffing with, until you find a combo you're happy with.

And then it gets left there.


For others, it seems like another thing to go `wrong` and need help with.


Be interesting to see how it amalgamates with REX Sky Force, due imminently.

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Be interesting to see how it amalgamates with REX Sky Force, due imminently.


That's been due imminently since August 2016 - maybe they'll get it out this time. Hope it's as good as the hype.


Another good product in the line of PTA is Envshade - very similar to PTA but just provides a few popular presets - keeps some users out of trouble playing around with settings they know nothing about.



P3D Rig

I7 7700K @ 5.0ghz Asus Maximus X270 16G G.Skill 3600 15-15-15-18 2T EVGARTX2080ti Corsair 1000W PSU 1TB Samsung SSD for P3D - 2 - 256G OCZ Vector SSD - HAF X - Corsiar H100i V2 Liquid Cooler W10 64 Pro.

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I think Mallcott has a good point and for me...I have gone from all kinds of add ons and stuff and now I run P3D pretty much default and it runs really well...and at 30 to 40 thousand feet I just need good weather and clouds for my PMDGs as that is all I fly and I am a happy camper....er....simmer LOL and Oh...fps is locked at 30.
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That's been due imminently since August 2016 - maybe they'll get it out this time. Hope it's as good as the hype.


Another good product in the line of PTA is Envshade - very similar to PTA but just provides a few popular presets - keeps some users out of trouble playing around with settings they know nothing about.




Correct. As you know I `run` five different systems for simmers at the local flying club, including our club desktop P3Dv4.1 simulator.

Installed PTA on mine, Envshade/Envtext on the others.


Why? PTA needs too much `hands on` activity by the user, with a great possibility of getting things wrong for the benefit if you ask me. I've also noted that several of the recommended Presets do not show the same results as the screenshots on my rig.


What PTA is really good at is as a development tool to figure out ones' own settings (and the ability to return everything to baseline defaults with a click or two). But it really only works if it's used repeatedly to explore, install and test the very many features.

I started out with that, but ended up just installing a favourite preset and leaving it there - which is what Envshade does.



PTA is the in-depth tool. Envshade (and URP freeware addons) the `click-and-forget` option

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I should also add that users need to understand the difference between Shader adjustment and Post-Processing shader adjustment:


PTA amends the shaders.

URP modifies those PTA shaders


Envshade is a post processing tool.


If one switches between them one needs to switch off the other - PTA by restoring default shaders and settings; URP by switching off in the `add-ons` sub-menu under the Prepar3D `Options` drop-down menu.


Envshade is disabled from the main Envdir menu or as a temporary measure by utilising the Envshade sub-menu and switching PTA `ON` (which physically does the same thing as URP but for the Envshade menu under P3D-Options-Addons.)

BOTH URP and Envshade are added to P3D via the addons.xml menu so a seasoned user can also alter that file manually.


If you do go down the PTA route, then restoring is the ONLY way to get original shaders back, unless one wants to go down reinstalling parts of 3D itself, so do NOT forget to back up the default shaders before playing.

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