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New FS2004 Facebook Group!


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Hello everyone! We are starting a new FS2004 group on Facebook designed to help, support, and share our experience and best screenshots to the community! Some of our members are still developing for fs2004 and your knowledge would be of great use! If you have Facebook and would like to join us, I'll put the link below!


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There are few FS2004 Facebook groups in FB search. Could you let me know the name of the new group. Would prefer to bring it up in FB myself instead of using your link.

Also, how does the new group differ from the current ones?



Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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Hi, search for "FS2004 - A Century of Flight". This new group is 100% dedicated to FS2004 sim and was founded by top notch experienced FS2004 simmers. We are focused on providing high quality content to the community, including tips and tricks to customize the sim, freeware and payware software reviews, and a lot more stuff related to FS2004. Our aim is to provide our users with the best experience when using this amazing piece of software called FS2004 - A Century of Flight.
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Instead of splintering the flightsim community even more than it is, how about letting us publish the high quality content you are developing right here on FlightSim.Com? Seems like a better way to immediately reach a large audience and we'd love to do it. Get in touch with me directly if interesting:




I agree totally with Nels here. Modern times with social media are really killing forum and website communities. Not just for flight sim, forums everywhere are quiet for other games and other interests. There are just too many places you can go for your fav hobby but you end up with no real activity at any of them. This also results in information being spread out everywhere and difficult or near impossible to find.


To keep FS2004 alive, it's best we all stick to the main sites and preferably be active and contribute to those sites. It's in our best interests.

Mark Daniels
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Sorry but not even an FS2004 Facebook site would get me to sign up to social media. I go back a long way with flight simulation and flightsim, avsim, have been the go-to sites from the beginning. Add in the likes of HJG and you've got all you need.
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I have stopped using Facebook. I'm sorry but I will not subscribe no matter how good you say it is going to be. I like my privacy. Just put the information here in these forums. With all of the issues lately with Facebook I closed my account. No thanks.
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No Facebook for me either.

Have never twittered ,wittered ,whispered ,or muttered either.

Not going to help that rather strange looking (androidish) fellow get ever richer while organisations like his often profit from the darker and more unpleasant aspects of human nature.

We have a perfectly adequate site for simmers to gather and exchange views ,read the latest news etc its called Flightsim.com


Merry Christmas



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Nels, I do agree with you.

Our hobby is slowly shrinking, and maybe consolidating our knowledge base is a good idea.


There seems to be quite a few social media police commenting here!

For me, Facebook is way of keeping track of friends & family, as well as keeping informed & keeping track of the many interests I have, as well as sharing info & ideas amongst like minded folk.


I'm a volunteer at our local Air Force base, so we have a Facebook page for our members & interested people to share when we do our Shackleton startups & other info... the list goes on. we have a local community page as well.


LOL, there seems to be a lot of tin foils hats out there.. concerned about so-called privacy issues..

Remember, Google tracks you, Microsoft tracks you, your GPS tracks you, GMail, etc... the list goes on...


How do you know that your FSX or P3D is not being tracked? Remember when your sim was activated?


Come on guys, a big hand to those that set up that FS2004 Facebook site... all they want to do is to promote out beloved hobby.




(Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Android, Gmail user)


Cape Town, South Africa

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I may have joked about the subject in terms of a pub but that doesn't mean I am not serious about keeping FS9 alive and well, and in a place (or places) where it can be found and seen by as many folks as possible. Which means, for me, the already-known websites rather than splinter groups. After 600 or so airfields and floats bases for FS9 I would hope that my interest is beyond doubt.
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Come on guys, a big hand to those that set up that FS2004 Facebook site... all they want to do is to promote out beloved hobby.


But this isn't a game with an influx of new people looking for places to go. It's a fading community. It's nothing to do with being against FB or these guys creating a page, it's just silly to spread a diminishing population out. Consolidation is much more beneficial.


The other issue is all the information is being spread out. Then when something like their FB page goes, which these types of pages do, so does all the information and resources from that page.

Best sticking to the places that have the largest invested community interest and keeping things at sites like these. For just relatively general FS9 sites, we have Flightsim, AVSIM, Simviation and SOH. To be honest, in that list alone there are probably 2 too many sites than what we need for the current FS2004 population. We sure don't need any more. Any more we are just doing more damage than good.

Mark Daniels
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Mark is very correct.

Avsim & Simviation are both sadly lacking in newer add-ons & forum posts, indicating the popularity of Flightsim & SOH.

Calclassic is still strong, niche driven,

The Ford Tri-Motor Project site is almost forgotten


I just hope that more sites, as well as freeware developers do not vanish, as happened in the past.


Cape Town, South Africa

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So what you are saying then is we all change our mind about FB and join this group.


We might make Zuckerburg a bit richer too as well, at least it will stop the guy next door keep bringing me his dinner to show me because he knows I'm not on FB.

I hear they are taking on staff, but there is no need to send your resume they already have your details.


I'll stick my guns and say NO THANK YOU.

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Calclassic is still strong, niche driven,


Yes, I think Calclassic and HJG are kinda niche and specific sites. SOH kinda fits in there too and these sites are all established and incredibly important to FS9. The sites we've been mentioning in this thread need the support from those of us who still use FS9. I honestly cannot see myself ever using anything else to be honest. The longer the sites are around and active, the more fun FS9 will be and hey, a new add-on might even pop up now and again!

Mark Daniels
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True, Mark.

SOH has a great freeware support base - Milton & Team, Nigel with his Avro Tutor, Shessi, amongst others, so that's my personal first 'go to' site daily, then Flightsim, then maybe the others.


I'm a great supporter of the freeware guys out there that still develop for us, &, within reason, I'll support anyone that supports FS2004, a few caveats-- within reason, & without rehashing add-ons.


Just because it's on FB does not mean I'll ignore it, I'll check it out ever so often, & I can always 'unlike' or 'unfriend' them.


We just cannot shoot the guys down, just because we do not like where they are posting stuff. Maybe a private message & suggestions to them, explaining our collective thoughts & ideas would help.


Cape Town, South Africa

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I can agree with some of your points, and for those who have been on these forums for a very long time, your knowledge is invaluable. however one major front almost all of these websites lack is the ability to post a good amount of videos and screenshots. sure you can post screenshots on these websites, but it is very hard to do with ease. the big reason for the facebook group is to help those who are new or have questions about the sim. if they wish to upload a file, we will direct them to avsim and flightsim to upload their file to keep these sites running. my only belief is that for flight simulation to keep up, we may have to expand beyond these forums into other forms of chats. that is all. I only posted the link here so if anyone was interested they could join, if not, they don't have to.
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just to get us back in context, there was only one main and very well used groups of the fs2004, there were others but they lacked alot of constant use...the main one i was using was the one with the junkers image as the group profile image...


this one is a brand new one.... should have mentioned that before... they created this one as a workaround for the other one when a member joined and started posting p3d pics in the main one with the junkers image!!


i joined but wasnt really happy moving to the new one, (only llike 4 weeks old) because i was used to that place with the junkers image... was a really nice place till that guy came around and started disturbing it...


just updating you...and yes i dont know if asking for it here would help

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