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johnhinson last won the day on April 12 2023

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  1. Like I said, it works fine here. So it must either be Edge settings or whatever your Anti-Virus might be that is forcing this. I think the settings are likely to be the offender. Unfortunately everybody developing browsers and anti-virus goes way too far in their namby-pamby protection, covering their backsides in case you sue them I suppose. Anything they aren't 100% certain of gets marked as dangerous whether it is or not - they don't check or analyse. Which then teaches people to ignore warnings and then it makes the whole flipping exercise a waste of time. John
  2. I think there is more to it than that. Edge downloads files here for me just fine, so I think maybe an exploration of the settings area might be productive. Over a lengthy period I have fine-tuned quite a lot in Edge, the default settings are not ideal. Another, and generally quicker, way to download a file from this site is to right click on the "Download this file" and select "Save link as". This also works in Firefox. John
  3. I do not think there is provision in FS2004 for AI helicopters, and generally they will use a runway like other aircraft. I believe various modifications have been made to make take-off a little more realistic but I doubt they would cope with something as small as an offshore platform realistically, if at all. Search the libraries and see what you can find. John
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This PDF document demonstrates how to modify turboprop aircraft to taxi in a more realistic manner. All tests have been made with Flight Simulator 2004, but the changes almost certainly work with Flight Simulator X and probably with later incarnations of Flight Simulator too.
  5. I am using PF3: https://www.oncourse-software.co.uk/pf3_details.htm . John
  6. I can confirm that no airports in FS use real-world data for runway usage - the software programming is entirely based on runway length, and wind direction, plus a few other quirks which I don't really understand - it is those quirks which sometimes prevent us from achieving what is desirable. It does not take into account nearby high ground either. If I remember rightly, the default ATC will let you get away with landing at the opposite end of the given runway and still give you instructions after landing. I can't be certain I have remembered that correctly as for many years I have used an add-on ATC system which will let you close or open runways as required (or indeed request a specific runway) for the player aircraft although AI will still operate the way FS2004 intends. That avoids the need for the "STAR" runway system, though. John
  7. johnhinson

    Floating plane

    Only the first three lines concern you here, leave the others untouched. In the example given, you need to adjust the vertical position, e.g.: point.0= 1.000, 82.930, 0.000, -9.350, 1181.102, 0.000, 3.349, 78.000, 0.500, 2.500, 0.500, 15.000, 15.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.1= 1.000, -3.341, -12.000, -11.383, 1574.803, 1.000, 2.188, 0.000, 1.072, 2.500, 0.498, 17.000, 17.000, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000 point.2= 1.000, -3.341, 12.000, -11.383, 1574.803, 2.000, 2.188, 0.000, 1.072, 2.500, 0.498, 17.000, 17.000, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000 These will be different for every aircraft, those figures are the distance between the defined centre-line of the aircraft and the ground. It sounds like you need to reduce the figures in your aircraft (not this example!) by a couple of feet - start there and fine tune. Re-load the aircraft after saving each change. Only when you have that perfect, you may need to finely adjust the following: static_pitch = static_cg_height = Getting this right takes patience, but the results are satisfying. John
  8. Yes, that's typical. There are other factors, such as runway length. John
  9. File > Compile Airport or Control-C Best regards, John PS - Aircraft usually are sent to the nearest runway to their parking spot.
  10. Hi Peter, Not ATC, but ATIS - but I expect a lot of people don't use it. I have had my nose taken off by an AI aircraft taking off whilst I was landing, but that shouldn't happen at Sochi as I don't think the runways conflict. Best regards, John
  11. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This method is "great" until an aircraft using a conflicting runway to you hurtles into you . . . And listening to ATIS taking its time reciting dozens of unusable non-existent runways sounds bizarre. Each to one's own taste, but users should be aware this method is not perfect. John
  12. I doubt if commercial scenery payload is directly connected with this, it is just trying to pack high amounts of detail into a small area. But I must say with modern computers I don't think much in FS2004 bothers it. The sad thing is that all of the data for roads, rivers and railways is cheaply available from SatNav developers, so they could be easily corrected today but we are playing with twenty year-old software of course. It has been done for FSX, so that they then blend perfectly with accurate mesh, but unfortunately FS2004 roads, rivers etc are generated differently and are not backwardly compatible with those in FSX. Trying to change the world manually, like ViperPilot2 has is a challenge too large for me! I choose to turn a blind eye to things like that. John
  13. Erm, landclass is not mesh! If I remember rightly, FSX mesh works with FS2004 just fine - I may be wrong but it is certainly worth trying. Here is just one free offering found with a web search: FreeMeshX Global Terrain Mesh Scenery 2.0 for FSX & P3D (flyawaysimulation.com) What you will find, though, is that with accurate terrain you will discover the Microsoft put many roads and rivers in the wrong places. They won't change, so things sometimes look a little daft on that front. John
  14. . . . and you didn't take any notice? If you search the web you will find lots of references to this problem and the need to update, here is just one a mere thirteen years ago:: https://www.simforums.com/forums/solved-fs2004-and-ut-usa-canada-ctd_topic36817.html The page linked to for the updates has vanished in that period but the Wayback Machine is on your side. Go here: https://web.archive.org/web/20130317113829/http://www.scenerysolutions.com/ut_downloads_FS9.html I have not checked every one of the files concerned, but one I plucked out of the air downloaded fine. If what you want isn't available, try a capture from another date. John
  15. And . . . another issue that has cropped up before has been faulty Terrain Mesh files. If you use add-on mesh, check with the supplier for updates as I believe the issue was fixed. Otherwise, you should test with it disabled. Also, remember that some add-on sceneries include files to install elsewhere to Addon Scenery - often in amongst your default files so you may need to investigate there too. It is unfortunate there are so many different possibilities for the cause of the problem, it can take a lot of patience and time. Best regards, and good luck, John
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