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  1. Hello all, On my TCA Boeing Throttle Quadrant outer rotory knob I have IAS/MACH mapped to SELECT AIRSPEED BUG and the HDG/TRK to SLECT HEADING BUG and the ALTITUDE to SELECT ALTITUDE BUG. Then on the inner rotory knob I have it setup when turning it right, it's mapped to PLUS and to the left, it's mapped as MINUS. Using this setup works great with the PMDG 737. I can turn the knob to the IAS/MACH and change the speed using the inner knob to plus or minus, then change to HDG/TRK and do the same for the heading change and so on with the ALTITUDE knob, ect.. This setup does not work with the E190. For the E190, instead of using PLUS or MINUS for mapping the inner rotory knob, I did try mapping INCREASE AUTOPILOT REFERECE AIRSPEED and DECREASE AUTOPILOT REFERENCE SPEED to the IAS/MACH outer knob and INCREASE HEADING and DECREASE HEADING BUG for the HDG/TRK and INCREASE AUTOPILOT REFERENCE ALTITUDE and DECREASE AUTOPILOT REFERENCE ALTUTIDE to the ALTITUDE knob. This did get the numbers in speed, hdg, and alt, but all at the same time. When I would turn the outer knob to the IAS/MACH the speed numbers, altitude numbers and heading numbers would change at the same time so I can't change the seperately. I don't know if something else has to be mapped for IAS/MAC, HDG/TRK, ect. in order for it to work seperately or if the setup that works for the PMDG 737 and other aircraft is correct and there is a bug in the FSS EJet. trying to map thesse controls. Does anyone have the FSS EJets with the TCA Boieng Throttle Quadrant and the IAS/MACH, HDG/TRK, Ect. working correctly? If so can anyone provide me the proper mapping of these controls. Thanks you all very much
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