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Everything posted by defaid

  1. Hi. Too many words? The final sentence is the one I'd like answered. Three years ago my XP PC died. In it I had FS9 with Captain Sim's C-130. On the strength of the C-130 in P3d supposedly being the same plane, I felt it was time to upgrade. Many addons, pounds and frustrations later, and discovering a severely diminished switch and gauge functionality, I installed my last backup of FS9, only to find that the Capatin Sim installers don't seem work in Win 10. (Reinstall is necessary: copy protection makes crucial parts of their plane invisible, meaning an existing installation is not portable.) In January I obtained a replacement XP PC. I've spent several weeks trying every way I can imagine of installing Captain Sim's C-130 into my freshly installed FS9 -- online and offline installers, days of jumping through C S's hoops and weathering their uncooperation -- before remembering that I have a Just Flight DVD of the Captain Sim C-130E & K that required no authentication. It's in the sim, running sweetly under XP. I was nearly overjoyed but there was a small fly. The graphics card is relatively new for XP (GT 730) and Nvidia's newer (for XP) drivers don't handle lighting too well. Something specular. I think. Turning off Transform & Lighting in FS9's Display menu solves the horrible brushed-velvet appearance but at the cost of a 50% reduction in framerate. Last night I very nearly bought an older card on Ebay so that I could use an older driver, before finally making the connection between no-authentication DVD and portability of the installation. It copied successfully to Windows 10 and I spent last night refamiliarising myself with the plane around UK photoscenery, marvelling at the load times and clarity with all sliders at their max. For the last twenty hours I've been unusually happy, having come to the end of an expensive waste of three years. All I need now is to find an authentication-free J-variant for the Just Flight plane. it's not necessary as the cockpits can be made identical, and .air and .cfg files are interchangeable, but it was my preferred variant and it would ice the cake. Is there a J variant for Just Flight's C-130? Thanks very much. D
  2. Thanks very much for replying. I wasn't aware that there is a "switch engine X starter on" command -- I'd never thought of looking. A key assignment for each starter is nice and simple and, like all such elegant solutions, obvious after someone has pointed it out to me. I'll be having a trial with it when I get home and quite probably a good look through the entire list of commands to see what else is available :) Thanks again. D
  3. Hi. Using the C-130J variant with the GPU rather than battery, has anyone else found that the engine start buttons in the LM / CS C-130 don't work? Is there something that I'm missing? Further, while I can start all engines with Ctrl+E, I can't select one out of all four by... Ctrl+E,1 (or 2,3 or 4) because in this aircraft the numbers don't seem to have any effect. I never had any problem with the aircraft in FS9 while following Bernard Srulzon's guide, and right up to the point of pressing the big red button, everything works fine in P3d too. Elsewhere I did find a short-form guide to starting up but... same result. What am I doing wrong? Does anyone else even use the C-130? Nothing but a scornful silence in another, opressively orthodox site so I do wonder. Any help is very much appreciated. D
  4. Hi. Despite it having suitably resized trees and custom scenery objects, the 42.2 GB download means I can't avail myself of TrueEarth so I've been looking at Just Flight's VFR Next Gen. (It also has the advantage of already covering my home area). The tree sets I have -- stock and Orbx's high def trees -- are about 170% real UK size and they look very cartooninsh when flying below about 5000 feet. All the screenshots I've seen of the Next Gen scenery appear to have correctly sized trees but the product description says it has 3d autogen coverage. Is it just my eyes? Does Next Gen have a smaller set or somehow scale the existing autogen objects? Is there a set of smaller trees available (like Feng Zhu's autogen for FS9)? And finally, is there some tool out there for adding objects to photoscenery, like FS9's Autogen Annotation Tool? Thanks very much. D (one bonus flippant question)
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