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Posts posted by bushp04

  1. Hmm...been so long since I've flown COF (2004) or FSX, but it seems that you could freely move the extra camera ( I think it was called "spot plane view," or something similar) to any point: sides, front, back, top, bottom, not to mention zoom, so what is up with severely limited IMO new program's camera you wonder?




    P.S. and btw, I would appreciate anybody's help in even FINDING THE DURN FILE that I patiently (3 1/2 hrs) waited on download from Microsoft!!!!!

  2. 'Morning Nels,

    The User Manual will not download for me. I've tried about half a dozen times last night and this a.m., but no joy from store.flightsim.com. Do I have the name correct? Can I use my regular flight.sim username/password combo, or must it be different? Everything looking good--until I hit the check out button--then the whole screen crashes! Can I please get an assist? Would be much obliged!




  3. The new version is out now, with 28 additional pages added. You can go to your FlightSim.Com Store account and download it now.


    Hi Nels,


    If I download the manual from Flightsim.com Store tonight, will the 28 additional pages be included?


    Also, I would like to download the manual to my Ipad rather than Windows. Hoping not to sound TOO dumb, is this possible? Does Mac use a file extension other than .pdf? I can't think of it at the moment!:confused:






    P.S. No worries vis-à-vis all the MSFS2020 complaints we've been reading about. As in every other FS, the kinks will get ironed out, I'm sure!

  4. WHOA!! You mean you might could some 747s barrel rolling??!! I'm with stinger2k2, that's pretty much like letting some 4-year olds fly heavies---they can have that part of the sky! I would prefer more realism. If the sim ever finishes downloading!


    Say! This poster's name reminds me of an old friend who flew lead in a squadron of performance jets back in the 50's. Their squadron name was the Stingers, and two of the pilots in it went on to become astronauts. As a matter of fact, one turned out to be the last man to walk on the moon.

  5. Does it bind itself into book form also? I thought not. Well do have a three hole punch and a ring binder.


    Yes, dogdish, they are on the next "page," if I'm not mistaken. But I'm often mistaken...Oh, I just remembered,--I can't come over to your house and put it all together for you--cause I prolly live 1200 miles or more away! jk, mate!

  6. Hello forum friends,

    I thought I'd check in and say 'Hello.' My system is down, Microsoft's Evil Plot to block me forever (by killing Win 7 support has forced me to think about upgrading to 10 ( I mean, what other choices are there to operate FSX?), also I'll have to buy a super-sized system to even run FSX decently. Oh, boo-hoo, Dagwood! Poor bushp04!


    Everyone on here has always been kind, bearing with my newby-like (it must seem) questions. I've always been and still very appreciative of the Forum Members.


    Best regards, and hope to see you soon!


    Len Welch


  7. Hi Loki, Napamule, and il88pp please excuse the long delay in response to your posts. Before June, I thought I was headed back this way, but some very unfortunate circumstances prevented it (the biggest of which I lost my best buddy (my age) to a sudden and unexpected death.


    Now, I've got to put NASA's theories of lift, etc., behind me and get back to simming to get my mind straightened out. I'll start a new thread about that subject. Meanwhile, thanks to you all.




    P.S. Loki, I did read the NASA links--very informative--before getting knocked back to the basics.

  8. Any help most appreciated!


    Log Name: Application

    Source: Application Error

    Date: 7/10/2015 5:30:39 PM

    Event ID: 1000

    Task Category: (100)

    Level: Error

    Keywords: Classic

    User: N/A

    Computer: Owner-PC


    Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.60905.0, time stamp: 0x44fd0a92

    Faulting module name: ai_player.dll, version: 10.0.60905.0, time stamp: 0x44fd0f32

    Exception code: 0xc0000005

    Fault offset: 0x00031289

    Faulting process id: 0x9a8

    Faulting application start time: 0x01d0bb5f2789fe43

    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe

    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ai_player.dll

    Report Id: 4a543e5f-2753-11e5-9ed9-08626684c986

    Event Xml:


















    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ai_player.dll


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