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About fsc_MO

  • Birthday 01/01/1961

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FlightSimmer (1/7)

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  1. fsx_MO,


    Your Landor colours of the PMDG 744 is breathtaking. Would it be possible to get that from you if you are distributing it freely? Where would one get this? I grew up as a kid flying Landor to and fro from HKG to LON.




  2. Repaint of Contrnatal B727-200.
  3. Thank you Paul. And here to. Best Regards, Mo PS That was a request come through the email.
  4. Ready to download at Avsim.com soon
  5. Great job thank you.:) Best Mo
  6. Thank you for the information Paul, I appreciate it. When will the update be available to download? Have a smashing Christmas to you and your team. Many thanks for the excellent product. All the best. Mo
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