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Posts posted by hjwalter

  1. Hi Guys,


    This is just a shot in the dark but here goes anyway because I've had this same problem many years ago but in another part of the world.


    My specific crash problem was caused by a faulty start position in the Afcad data of my destination airport and it was a previously planned flight controlled via ATC. The airport scenery itself was a third party addon and was easily fixed.


    Maybe this information will help you to at least narrow down the cause of your "look alike" problem.


    Good luck


  2. A small addon program like AI Smooth will solve most of your problems by keeping AI aircraft out of your way, at least the ones flying near you and when approaching your destination airport. However, even then the default FS9 ATC will never be perfect.

    I've been using this program for years and I love it.



  3. Hey there Mark,


    With me it's exactly as you describe but there's a great positive difference if the background (ground) scenery is default or addon. I would want to suggest that you try to temporarily de-activate any mesh, LC or other background scenery, then fly the same route and when about in the same area as you previously were, you (test) switch from cockpit- to external view and report any aircraft texture loading delay differences. Also please see to it that all your aircraft's textures are DXT3. Mips are not necessary because you never externally view flyable aircraft from large and/or varying distances, like you do with e.g. AI aircraft and scenery in general.


    The effect of "heavy" background scenery can also be demonstrated by slewing at maximum slew speed across quite some distance in external view. You will notice that towards the end of your slew the background scenery will be blurry but will become normal again after a few seconds, depending on the power of your rig. This is because FS9 itself and/or your graphics card, cannot keep up with correctly rendering the scenery as you (speed) slew over it. It needs some time to catch up, so to speak.


    Hope this helps.



  4. Hey Guys,


    I've been having this same problem far as long as I can remember. However, it's my theory that when you switch from cockpit view to spot plane view, very many, e.g. ground, sky and cloud textures, suddenly need to be displayed and only after those are done are the aircraft's textures given the chance to be displayed on top of the rest, at least that's what it seems.

    "Heavy" aircraft textures also do seem to play a roll, so all my flyable aircraft textures have been converted to DXT3 without mips and this does seem to help ...... but only a little.



  5. Yes, the 9Dragons Kai Tak/Hong Kong scenery can be quite demanding on older and not so fast systems. However, Larry (above), has posted a picture of a CalClassic version, clearly also showing the checker board. So maybe you could download and try that one instead, a version which I myself did not know even existed.


    Good luck and happy landings.



  6. You need to search for the extremely well made "9Dragons" Hong Kong/Kai Tak scenery here on FlightSim because that also includes your checkerboard and even a flashing light VFR approach. A great "must have" scenery indeed but you will also need Jim Vile's AI approach file so that approaching AI aircraft do not approach through the mountain.

    A truly great scenery.


    Good luck and happy landings.


  7. Hey guys, may I add another possibility here, for what's it worth.


    Such OOM (out of memory) errors are, in my experience, caused by something which is programmable within FS9, e.g. a cockpit instrument, an effect, etc. and which contains one or more programming errors. In such cases the OOM error message means that something is trying to access a memory area outside that which is allotted for normal user use by Windows. It's in fact a Windows error message and does not mean that you have a shortage of memory. Maybe this can help to narrow down your search for the culprit(s).


    Good luck


  8. Normally at least two bitmaps containing pictures of your switch, one in the up and the other in the down (on/off) position, should be present within the gauge BGL code. In this way the dynamic switch itself will be visible on your panel.

    Are you sure that your now invisible click spot is not (partially) positioned behind one of your other gauges ? If this is not the case, where did you get this gauge from so that I can download it myself for testing.




  9. Thanks Tom for your much appreciated reaction but to cut a long post shorter I did not describe any details about what I had tried afterwards and out of pure inquisitivenes only. I had in fact used DXTBmp to change the texture formats, delete/re-instate alpha channels, mipmaps, etc. but was not able to find anything technically wrong as per your suggestions. It was most probably just one of those unexplainable quirks hiding somewhere within the textures concerned. Anyway, my standard solution to such issues remains my trusty DELETE key.





  10. Hi Guys,


    After much trial and error messing around the solution/fix turned out to be very simple indeed but then again, if you know how to do it, then everything is simple. However, the remaining problem is that no two problems are the same and this one was definately a first of this kind for me.


    It turned out that it was not the library BGL which was corrupt but the textures it was calling for. After dis-assembling the BGL in question it became possible to find out which texture names were being called for and after simply deleting these, my problem and that of the Abacus program was solved.


    I had a go at trying to find out what was wrong with the corrupted textures but they seemed perfectly normal mipped DXT3s with alpha channels.


    The library BGL file, now without it's related corrupt textures, has been deleted as well.


    Problem solved !!



  11. Hi Guys,


    I've been using this fantastic program for years to enhance my airport sceneries but now suddenly, because of a selected, probably corrupt (object placement) BGL file, my FS9 crashes with a black screen and a StackHash error message. However, when re-opening my FS9, selecting and re-opening the Abacus program, my FS9 immediately crashes again without giving me the chance to select any other (object placement) BGL file. The program evidently remembers and stores the last selected BGL file somewhere, even although the BGL in question has in the meantime, been deleted. My FS9 seems to work normally but as soon as I open the Abacus program ....... BANG !!


    Does any of you experts out there know where this last selected BGL file could be stored, so that I can manually change it into a non-corrupt one or how I can somehow initialize it ? An INI file somewhere maybe ? Any ideas anyone ?


    Any help is most welcome.





  12. I searched for your KLAX scenery, hoping to be able to download and test it for you but the only FSDT version I could find was a payware on their commercial site. The most logical thing would therefore be to put your problem forward to FSDT directly.


    Good luck


  13. I assume that when you say that you have placed your "äddons" at the top of your scenery library, you also mean the "small airport near KBOS", which you have evidently tried to enhance by adding to it some scenery objects via your "EZ Scenery" program.


    Are you sure that you have only used the payware "EZ Object Placement" program and not some kind of other "EZ" function or program ?


    You should also realize that when you move any kind of addon scenery to the top of your scenery library, this scenery will have priority over any other sceneries futher down in your scenery library listing, possibly including your KBOS. If you have then made certain types of errors in this now high priority addon scenery, there is a strong possibility that your KBOS will no longer be visible or at the very least, will cause the types of problems as you describe.


    As far as I know there are only three existing scenery enhancement programs for FS9, the extremely good and easy to use but payware "EZ Object Placement" program, the freeeware "RWY12" program and the freeware "ADE" (Airport Developement Editor) program. All three have extensive usage instructions.


    Hope this helps.


  14. Sounds like you have either two Afcad/ADE files or most likely, your existing Afcad/ADE file does not cover your visible airport scenery accurately enough. E.g. Afcad/ADE taxiways, etc. MUST always be positioned exactly on top of any visible airport taxiways, etc. because the Afcad/ADE taxiways are the ones which your AI planes will follow, not the visible ones.

    Your problem is not caused by the MYTraffic program.


    Good luck


  15. Thomas,


    Have you been using your FS2004 normally and problem free before March 2019 ? If this is the case, then your "Flight Simulator Files" folder containing all your saved flights/flightplans, is either corrupt, is no longer positioned where it should be or has somehow been deleted.


    If it's a problem, which showed up directly or very shortly after installing your FS2004, then it seems that you installed it in it's default positions, which is known to produce a whole range of unpredictable problems and especially with Win10.


    In both cases I suggest that you un-install your existing FS2004, clear up any risidual files/folders and that you then perform a complete re-install but this time in any other HD partition or separate HD than the one in/on which your Win10 lives.


    Good luck


  16. If I remember correctly from many moons ago, you need to run the "data base creation" (dbc) utility in order to initially create the necessary data base, which FSNav then uses to create it's map. This utility can be found in the FSNav folder within your modules folder.


    Hope this helps.




  17. Hey guys,


    I've had OOM error messages/crashes as well but ages ago. It's a message from Windows and not from FS9 itself. The message means that something from within FS9 is (via Windows) trying to access a memory area outside that allotted to or by Windows and does not mean that there is not enough available memory.


    This error is almost always caused by something within FS9, which is programable and which contains one or more program errors or has become corrupted, e.g. a cockpit instrument, an effect, a light, etc. As far as AI planes go, I would therefore want to suggest that you look into the effects and lights of any culprit you may suspect and that you choose a trusty default flyable plane when you open your EGKK airport.


    Hope this helps, in any case to narrow down your problem.

    Good luck



  18. Sounds as though your prop texture has no, or a not correctly working, alpha channel. What I usually do in such cases is to copy/paste a prop texture in it's place from a correctly working similar plane and if it's name is different, I rename it to that of my original incorrect one.


    Hope this helps.


  19. Myrone,


    I would like to add my little bit to Tim's reaction in advising that you should in general never use flyable aircraft as AI because their external textures are far too large, too many, too detailed and always unmipped, giving your graphics system a hard time in trying to render them every time such "AI" aircraft come into view. Stuttering and frame rate loss is almost always the result and is especially true when you have more of these "AIs" flying or taxiing around your flyable aircraft.



  20. Neil,


    This double startup process was certainly negatively effecting my FS9 and I can now clearly see this after Tim's registry edit and my very first Win7/FS9 restart. My frame rates have increased, there's less stuttering and the (first time) startup is noticeably faster than I had become used to.


    Just one nagging question remains though and that is, although the problematic (pre-FS9 startup) internet access is now structurally being blocked, what sly process could possibly be trying to access the internet and for what purpose ? I'm directing this question towards any Win7/FS9 and structurally internet connected simmer, who might have some experience on this very specific question.




  21. Napamule2,


    You are absolutely correct in that FS9 should never be installed in it's default folder because that will cause a multitude of unpredictable problems at unpredictable moments. The reason is that a strongly dynamic system like FS9, will then constantly be scrutinized for (normal) internal behavior but which Windows sees as "attacks" on it's security.


    I therefore learnt many years ago that it's of paramount importance that FS9 always be installed in any partition OTHER than the one in which Windows itself lives.

    In my setup I even have a completely separate physical SSD which remains solely reserved for my FS9 and all it's supporting software, e.g. Afcad, ADE, S-Builder, EZ-Object placement, etc. etc. It's my main FS9 folder only which is a bare 129 Gb in size, "bare" meaning that it has been stripped of all unnessesary "ballast".


    Sorry for my inacuracy.



  22. Tim, you're my hero !!


    Removing the registry entry and another very similar one further down, certainly did the trick but only after I had backed up just about everything I could find and making several restore points.


    Messing with the registry and running the risk that my system no longer boots, is normally not something I enjoy doing and this was most certainly a first for me.


    Thanks very much for your help and I learned a lot from it.



  23. Thanks for your suggestions Tim. I disabled my Windows Defender but sadly this didn't help in any way. Scans via the "MS Security Essentials" system did not find anything either nor did Malwarebytes scans.


    After even more extensive Google searches, it now turns out that there are a number of 6/7 year old forum threads on exactly this subject but, and as far as I can make out, no real solutions were found.


    The only problem solving exception was evidently to connect to the internet, as experienced by one of the posters. However, because the problem only manifested itself a number of years after Win7 was first introduced, this seems to be a rather dangerous solution because under such circumstances, you never know which possibly "shady" sites will be visited without you knowing about it and for what purpose(s). Moreover, I expect that the problem will immediatly be back as soon as the internet is then disconnected again.


    It also seems and I repeat the word "seems", that the problem or even the possible Win7 bug, has since then been solved, possibly via a MS update, because new posts on the subject quite suddenly ceased.


    Could my "host" rundll32.exe file somehow have become corrupted so that it opens an unwanted process even before my FS9 initially starts up ? I'm stumped on this one but for safety reasons prefer to remain disconnected from the internet.


    Ideas, anyone.



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