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FlightSimmer (1/7)

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  1. ok you convinced me, here goes reinstall, thanks,david
  2. ok you convinced here goes reinstall, thanks,david
  3. I cannot start my Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). It does not appear on the Start menu and is not in Settings/Apps so how do I start it? I can see it on my G: drive at 13Gb and 41,966 files so it has not been removed. My version was installed on my G: drive sometime in 2021 - It is the Premier Deluxe Edition which I think cost around £100. and it was working fine. I have not used it for many months so changes must have taken place on the PC since then... I did recently re-install Windows 10 to the drive so maybe I lost some shortcuts or links maybe. I would like to avoid a re-install as it takes ages. In an attempt to start it, I went into the MSFS folder and double-clicked fsx.exe and got the below message about Directx but I already have Direstx 12 installed Can you suggest a way to start it? many thanks, Nick
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