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  1. Hello, I've been playing this game on an Xbox for six months, and suddenly the flight instruments screens in the A319 and A320neo are dark and I can't find any way to get them back on. That means I can't select the altitude, heading, or the speed etc. Please note I'm not a pilot, just a player. I've tried turning on the battery switches and starting the whole thing again but nothing has worked. Any ideas? Many thanks.
  2. Hello, Around 2 hours into a 5-hour flight, my A321neo (Deluxe 40th Anniversary Edition) started losing height, dropping from a preset 38,000ft to 19,000ft before I gave up. The autopilot was on and the selected altitude was as mentioned 38,000ft. This hasn't happened before so any idea what caused it? Please note I'm not a pilot, just a casual player. Thanks Carl
  3. Thanks for your reply, it's an A321neo in the Deluxe 40th Anniversary Edition.
  4. Hello, Around 2 hours into a 5-hour flight, my A321neo started losing height, dropping from a preset 38,000ft to 19,000ft before I gave up. The autopilot was on and the selected altitude was as mentioned 38,000ft. This hasn't happened before so any idea what caused it? Please note I'm not a pilot, just a casual player. Thanks Carl
  5. Hello, My 11-year-old is just getting started with MSFS on an Xbox S. He says that during any flight, the cursor (circle with white dot) is constantly appearing (every 2 or 3 seconds) along with a toolbar at the top of the screen. Is there any way to stop this happening as it interferes with just about everything? My only guess is that is the down-L button is set as the key to open the cursor, but that's just a guess. Can anyone help?
  6. Hello, We just started using MSFS on an Xbox S and wanted to do the introductory flight training. After doing a lot of updates, the voice tells us to switch to cursor mode by pressing L, but there is no L on the controller. We have tried pressing every button but nothing at all happens. Anybody know how to activate cursor mode? Without that we can't start. Thanks Carl
  7. I'm sure there must be a very simple answer, but how on earth do you close MSFS? I bought the game as a Christmas present for my 11-year-old and set it up on an Xbox Series S. I also tried it out myself - very impressive - but can't find any way just to close the game and go back to the home screen. I've pressed every button, and logging out just returns me to the first screen of MSFS. Is there some combination of keys on the controller just to leave the game? The only way out for now is to switch off the Xbox. Thanks for any help.
  8. Thank you loki for your patience. I guess there comes a point when you lose touch with technology, and it seems I passed that point some time ago. Anyway it's clear enough now.
  9. Hadn't heard of the DAeC, but that sounds like just the thing to keep his interest alive - many thanks for the idea.
  10. Excuse my ignorance, but does that mean you connect the Xbox to a laptop, or carry out the download on a TV screen via the joystick?
  11. Many thanks for the replies, much appreciated. Just to clarify a little, my son is only 11, so may well change his mind about flying in years (or weeks) to come. However it's always been a strong interest of his. Earlier this year he wrote a letter to a few airlines and Lufthansa were kind enough to fly us over to Munich so he could take a look around the operations centre and fly a simulator, which was a great experience and completely unexpected. I guess he's interested in the big commercial aircraft because that's his experience of flying so far, but of course I take the point about starting at the bottom. Lovely idea about the EAA but we are a long way from the US I'm afraid. As for simulators, I doubt my laptop is powerful enough, that's why I was thinking about Xbox. A joystick would also be better than a keyboard as someone said. I'm still not quite clear about how a game is loaded onto an Xbox though - I thought you slot in some kind of disc? If not, how is a downloaded game loaded onto the device? Anyway I hope I've provided a few more details, would be happy to receive any more suggestions. All the best.
  12. Hello all, My son is mad keen on flying and wants to be a pilot, so I was thinking of MS Flight Simulator as a Christmas present to keep his interest going. Problem is, I have zero idea about computer games (the last one I played was Space Invaders in about 1983). Therefore I have a few basic questions: - From the bit of homework I've done, it seems Xbox Series S is the best platform, is that right? - He is only interested in commercial aircraft, so which simulator version is best? - How many commercial aircraft are available? Can more be added/bought, and if so how? - What format does the game take, is it on a CD-type disc or should it be downloaded? If the latter, how do you put the thing on an Xbox? Many thanks if anyone could give me a clearer idea of this kind of stuff.
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