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Everything posted by Flightsport

  1. Hi there, I had a gaming computer built solely for the purpose of running MSFS 2020. I also added Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo components, along with a set of Thrustmaster rudder pedals. After downloading the bug fix for the LED lighting the Bravo lighting is working fine. Also, the Default profile and using a compatible piston twin aircraft like the Beech Baron works fine as well. When copying and reassigning the throttles, deleting props and mixtures is where the problems start. The behaviors change with identical input titles but on different Axes. I have watched the very popular video that I have linked below and followed it meticulously, but my results are different. Here is a summary: Bravo works fine in Default configuration, when used with a GA twin-engine aircraft (Baron BE58). However, when attempting to copy and modify the default profile, reassigning the axes and renaming for any other configuration, the throttle axis does NOT function correctly. I have attempted creating new profiles both in the setup hangar (options at the beginning before selecting an activity) and also have tried beginning a free flight, selecting an aircraft and modifying the controls to reflect the specfic aircraft (selecting Cessna 152 and modifying the default setup for a simple Throttle and Mixture setup). The behaviors of the throttle axis do NOT transfer when using identical assignments (observing the throttle moving up and down in the default setting, but only a flash of the white bar in a modified profile). When attempting to bind to reflect a two engine airliner it gets even stranger. When moving the throttle it initially advances the throttle in the sim, then the depicted throttle comes back to a mid point location. VERY frustrating. I should be able to create profiles and rename them based on the type of aircraft I'm using Is it possible that updates within MSFS have left the Bravo incompatible? I have installed the update and the lights are working on the Bravo Win 10 Pro, NVDIA RTX3080, Intel I7 12700KF, 32Gb Ram Wondering if anyone else out there has experienced this incredibly frustrating ordeal for such a costly piece of hardware. I am an airline pilot by trade, so I understand the variances in these cockpits. My struggles are with the Honeycomb Bravo and trying to ascertain if this is a hardware, software or user problem. Any suggestions would be great appreciated. Thanks for all the help and suggestions. Yes, I have already watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAVicVzF0Po&t=532s Mike
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