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Kitfox Pupil

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Everything posted by Kitfox Pupil

  1. You are quite right in your message. The Nevada/California bush trip from Breckenridge is a challenge in two ways - firstly navigation where some of the written clues deliberately confuse, and some of the photographs are misleading (airstrips). The important element is to time the legs religiously - it pays to have a second stopwatch. Remember that the timings appear to be theoretical, and climbing legs are slower, so more time is needed. If you take too much time, in the earlier legs, then the last legs will be in the dark and impossible, so you need to minimise your time to leave daylight at the end of the challenge. Tip - when the route shows on the map, then you have made no penalty, but if it is not you'll have to go back and re-do some legs. It seems that a bad landing, aircraft stress situation will stop you from getting the badge. Remember to refuel (I set up a shortcut for 'repair and refuel' from the Control Menu) Flying the old biplane will improve your skills. The last leg from Lee Vining to Mariposa (024 to KMPI) is absolutely stunning
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