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  1. Back in 2005, I had a Flight Simulator 2004 version of the Reims-Cessna F406 Caravan II. However, I lost my hard drive and everything on it. As I recall, it was a very delightful model with virtual cockpit and all. I've been searching ever since for a new download, but have not been successful. The model was built by Neuroflight by one Roger-Alain Jedikian. I want that model so bad, I am unsure of what I'd pay to get it. I tried about every conceivable way to find Roger, and encourage him to redo it for FS9 or FSX, but have not been successful. There's a very nice review from AVSIM done around that time...you can read about it and see pics still available on the internet. Incidentally, Reims is still building the new ones in France, and I understand they have a larger order pending. I see a very good market in the future for this aircraft Cessna USA no longer has anything to do with the aircraft, but it contains many parts still supported and used by Cessna. Since he's no longer available, if someone out there has it, can you get in contact with me, PLEASE? Thank you, thank you, thank you, Herm herml@socket.net
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