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Posts posted by nwanerka

  1. Ok inam glad you did not take that the wrong way. I read a lot of your posts on here and really did not want to offend you:-)

    But on navigraph, I love it. It works great. Gives me all rhe info I need. I usually take about 15 to 20 min with a pad and write down my departure info all my way points dme frequencies and my ils frequency and so on. Then. Have it running while I am flying on a 3rd monitor . 1st being the main 65 inch curved, second being my garmin 530.

    But keep up the great posts !!


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  2. I agree a list would be perfect. I have had the same question about tv vs monitors and really never got an answer on here. I happen to get a 65" curved Samsung tv from best buy 2 months ago real cheap because they are not really making the curved tvs anymore. (That was a flop of an idea lol) my monitor finally crapped out on me on a Sunday morning and I am so impatient that waiting a day or 2 if I ordered a new monitor on Amazon, would have killed me. I work so much that I really only have some of Sundays to play on the sim. So i grabbed the wife and ran to best buy . Plus only bought the curved tv instead of a monitor for my setup because I paid $300 for it compared to getting a 65 inch monitor. I regret that decision since the new update.

    But I also have a vr headset (oculus quest 2) and I absolutely love flying in the sim with it. It is very hard to go back to anything like a tv or monitor after using the vr headset. I love how much more I can look around and just see everything so much better. Not only the controls but I love looking around the whole plane and everywhere else . I think I night try an ir tracker headset next and see if that gives somewhat the same feel.

    So I guess I really did not answer your question and was probably no help lol. Sorry about that, but if you don't find thw answer about how to make the tv look better then I would try the vr set.

    Big draw back when using a vr headset is that I have to feel around like a blind man to use my controls. I have a pretty complete set up and sometimes trying to feel around for the trim or autopilot or even adjusting the autopilot can become frustrating.

    Well anyways. Good luck and if you find a good answer, please post back on this thread :-)e10c13e3a16237322bbdc1353f0f63fb.jpg57b3c2f25e375419c0c74ac0b9078e2c.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  3. Your right .. I totally forgot. You have to find the path name


    1. First go to search on the toolbar, and type in devices and when things start to popup you then pick "printer & scanners". Then go to Bluetooth & other devices on the left of the screen.

    Then after you pick that, on the right side of the screen where it says related settings, you are going to want to pick "Devices and Printers"

    The next screen that comes up you should see your saitek equipment and other items. You can do one at a time but 1 click in the 1st flight instrument panel, then right mouse click on it and hit properties.

    The top 2 tabs say general and hardware. Click hardware and then click "USB input device" 1 time so it is hilighted and then above the ok cancel apply buttons you will see properties. Click properties.

    Now a new window popped up. The top tabs should be "General Driver Details Events" click the details tap. Now you will see in the middle of the window where it say properties- there is a drop down menu. Click it and choose "Device instance path:

    Now where it says value under that is the path you need in re-edit.


    2. Now into your registry and edit it. It's called registry editor and open it as. "Run as administrator" you can go the the toolbar on the bottom of your screen (or where ever you might have changed its location) and search : registry editor. Remember to open it as administrator.

    Once open you then click :






    And theb use the device instance path to fine the right one (see pictured below) . Once you fine the right one . For example One of my paths is VID_06A3&PID_A2AE&MI_00

    that's the first part of it. Once you find that and clock on it then find the second half . For example: 7&1331e837&0&0000.

    ok so I found that and clicked it. Then the first tab under it should be "Device Parameters).

    Click that once and now look at the right side of the screen and find

    Enhanced Power Management Enabled .

    The value data should be 0, but it probably says 1. So change it to 0 and then go to you next device .

    After you changed the ones you need you will have to reboot your computer.

    And bam that's it! I No it sounds a little intimidating but honestly it's not that hard. If you follow these directions step-by-step you should be fine but there's also plenty of YouTube videos on it also. I hope this helps and if it does drop me A-line to let let me know :)


    Nick Wanerkaedb56370310de58f637ab4587c26888d.jpg5c94fc97ffb6af6daf3b359df30881d6.jpg08b1671b6703f18f1304b569ae0b9d01.jpgf114d2a599a0cf9d7a409c6fd53fefad.jpg0b7a047805588ec0730eeb4badb2aece.jpg8f71e7a5f320140ced37413f2e16f67f.jpg7e0b2f4e39b00ddcfdb52dc36f87e486.jpg6d50891b8309382935507a523b1e925d.jpg7acbdaec4f2034b1698594de18b52cf5.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  4. Yes I use mostly saitek equipment. 2 throttle control's, 2 radio/nav units, 6 pro flight instrument panels or Fip gouges for short , 1 multi switch panel, 1 autopilot panel, yoke and peddles. Oh and also 1 Cessna trim wheel. They all work great but here is the secret for making them work in msfs2020 ... go to logitech's page and search msfs2020 drivers. There will be 1 driver that will make everything work. They work amazingly and with ease. You will download that driver and after it's installed just double click on the icon it makes on the desktop and that's it. You will only have to open it once, even if you shut down your computer. It will now always be running in the background


    So go to.

    1. http://Www.logitechg.con

    2. Hit the 3 lines that are on the left that will bring down a huge menu

    3. Hit the support tab on the top left

    4. In the search type in "flight"

    5 in the results you will see rhe flight radio panel. Click on that. A new tap will open.

    6. Now hit the 4th item down on the left that says "downloads". You will see "register"- then "getting started"- then "FAQ" - then finally "Dowoads" click that

    7. The screen will then have the "Microsoft flight simulator plug-in" hit download now and follow directions.


    Good luck [emoji106]and happy flying


    There is probably an easier way but that will get you there 68bcd290884c6bac3147caee2cdf5e1d.jpg119a57062a6a9a637244b08cede84e7f.jpg55274ad06311d57a031aba2502dcb98a.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  5. I find the best way to download these big updates is right before you go to bed dad. That's what I did last night, right before I turned in for the night I went into my computer room/ SIM room and start it at the download. I sat there for a couple minutes just to make sure everything was going smooth and then went to bed. That was probably around 11:30 p.m. Eastern

    When I woke up and was leaving for work (5:45 am eastern)I checked on it and It was all done. I of course had to at least try one flight. They went amazingly well, it was like a whole new simulator. When I flew Just using my equipment and monitor everything was beyond perfect. When I tried using my oculus quest 2 vr headset it was horrible. It was like they fixed all the fps problems and all the other issues including some amazing visuals, (flew over and through NYC without any studder or glitches) but them when I used the vr it was like they downgraded the whole system.

    Now with the vr it is blurry, jumpy , and studdery. I don't know what happend. I tried to play around with all the setting in msfs2020 and then the settings for the vr headset but no luck, plus I had to get to work lol.

    If anyone else is having that same problem please let me know or if they've had that problem and no solution that would even be better :)

    But if I don't use the VR headset that it is amazing and they finally fixed most of the problems. I was getting around 75 to 80 fps


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  6. So I finally downloaded the update. It took overnight but when I woke up it was all done. So I rebooted my computer for good measure and started the sim. It booted up quit fast and looks great. Jumped into my Cessna 172 (6 pack not glass Cockpit) and it was like a new simulator!! Everything was great. So then I tried my vr....

    Well it seams like the update degraded the vr! Now everything is jumpy, fuzzy and just not working right. I went to thw vr settings and tried just about everything, even lowered every visual setting there is. Basically tried lowering every setting and still no luck. Then tried upping the settings to high . Still the same .

    Then went into the oculus quest 2 setting and tried that and still nothing.

    Honestly I really only use msfs2020 with my vr. I like to see everything around me and really fly, not just be stuck to one view. I like to look down and open the fuel, check gauges, you know....Basically be a real pilot.

    Is anyone else having trouble with the vr in msfs2020, and more specifically thw oculus quest 2?

    Please help.... this is what I use to decompress from long stressful days at work and life in general. Since I have been flying in the sim my wife actually said that I was returning to the guy she married and not ad stressed out all the time anymore [emoji854]


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  7. Over Jax?:-) are you talking about Jacksonville Florida? I fly over and into Jax all the time. My home airport is kfin (Flagler executive airport) in the sim and real life . I fly A c172 and am working on my single engine ppl rating now out of Flagler and working on my IFR rating too. The only thing that is really stopping me in real life is talking to atc. But I have been looking into vatsim and a couple others like it. I figure if I get comfortable talking to atc on a simulator side then real life won't be so bad


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  8. Hey Steve,


    You where right!!! No cable was the trick and thw setting you recommended. It all worked great, I am flying and loving it. I was using the vr with msfs2020 until 1 am last night. My wife was like "are you ever coming to bed or do I just give up" . I almost told her to give up until I turned around and took off the head set... well I won't say anything else but , I went right to bed [emoji6].

    But I wanted to thank you for all your great advice and let you know the oculus quest 2 is working like a champ and it is everything I wanted it to be and more.

    So thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


    Safe [emoji3575]flights



    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  9. Awesome no I wasn't sure which Megahertz to put him on yet the 5 or the 2.4 so thank you that save me some time.

    I do very much appreciate you taking the time in responding and answering my questions you probably have way better things to do so I just want to let you know how much I appreciate it and if you have any questions on electrical, surround sounds, home Wi-Fi networks or home networks in general, smart homes like control 4 or URC, Please don't hesitate to ask I'll be glad to help out in any way I can. When I get home and make those changes I will let you know how it flies :)


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  10. As I said I was brand new to the whole VRI did not know that I can do it wirelessly to my computer without the link cord. You are a genius my friend and my new personal hero lol. I do have my computer hooked up with an ethernet cord and and My business is doing electrical contracting and all the voltage work including home networks so I will simply add a wireless access point to my home network in my Home Office. I tell people all the time never add a Wi-Fi extender that they're craft but an access point is really a hard wire from your router to an access point That's on the other side of the house that will send out a Wi-Fi signal.

    Sorry for the little Wi-Fi home network lesson lol, But being that is my business I Ran network wires everywhere so I definitely have 2 or 3 in my Home Office that are still available as I ran 4 network wires per Room like a mad man. I know it's a little excessive.

    I cannot wait to get home today and Try to connect it to my computer wirelessly. Some of my settings are off and higher than what you suggested so I'll definitely try that too.

    I am 41 years old and I feel like a kid on Christmas and I can't wait to get home, wake up Christmas morning lol and Try these settings and wirelessly because when it did work it truly was amazing. I was looking all around including even the back seed and for a moment i panicked because I Did not see my 13 year old daughter sitting in the back seat and figured maybe I forgot her at the airport lol.

    This next part might seem really stupid and/or funny but I put a fan head height blowing so when I stick my head out the VR window of the plane I have a fan blowing on me :) lol It's actually kind of cool and refreshing but to look all around inside and out of the plane and just fly in general. The only thing I don't like is when I go to hit the controls on my multi panel or garmin 530 I really have to have muscle memory on exactly what button and where they are. But I guess that's good because it really trains you to be a better pilot but when I say it felt like I was in my own sesna flying out of Flagler airport here in Florida, It really felt that way. Thank you for all your help I will definitely report back and let you know how it goes


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  11. Daspinall, do you mind if I pick your brain about using vr oculus quest 2 and msfs2020?


    So I just picked up an oculus quest 2 to use in msfs2020. I won't bore you with all the particulars but my computer is definitely up to speed as it's brand new and I made sure to buy it specifically for Microsoft light simulator. I normally fly with all the Logitech sacks equipment on a 65" curve TV, But I have all the particulars like the yoke petals throttle instrument panel auto pilot panel, 6 logitech 3" flight screens (just like a 6 pack in my Cessna 172, also a Garmin GNS530. So I'm not completely an idiot. I know how to fly as I fly A Cessna 172 now in real life, Plus I'm one of the originals where I even pre ordered msfs2020 And have been using it since day 1. Normally not using VR everything works great. I have an occasional Issue but nothing like what other people are reporting so I'm one of the lucky ones. I will spend hours flying I love it.

    So here's my problem, I got the oculus quest 2, But didn't spend the $90 for the name brand link cord, Went on to Amazon and got an aftermarket $30 link chord that says it's made for the oculus quest 2. My problem is if freezes up, When I look to the left or right it's a black screen and then finally fills in but that's only when I'm able to actually fly. Last night I spent an hour and a 1/2 just getting a 20 minute flight.. When it does work it's amazing I actually feel like I'm in my plane so I'm saving a lot of money by not constantly refuelling my real plane lol. My question is what am I doing wrong why is it not running smooth? I played with the vr settings in Microsoft flight simulator, I have it plugged in to the USB 3.0 port. But even that sometimes will just disconnect and reconnect. I was in the middle of a flight and it just disconnected from the computer and within a second it reconnected but I had to of course hit all the different things to get it back into the simulator and by that time if I'm not on autopilot it's probably going to crash plane lol.

    I have noticed when I click out of VR it does crash the whole program also so I figured I just won't click out of it.


    But can you give me some tips and tricks on what settings I should have the VR on in Microsoft lights simulator and is there anything else I should be doing in the actual oculus.

    So I note I have the oculus quest 2, the 64 GB one not the 256 GB one. Did not know if that makes a difference as I am only using it for msfs2020.


    Thank you in advance for any help that you can give me I'm really hoping that you have some good suggestions as when it did work it was wonderful


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  12. Yes I had the same problem lol. Just last night I took a flight, hit the escape to check a couple settings and went back and my throttle was in the middle even know my handle was up high. I thought it was something I did and I was checking everything and then just tried bringing the throttle back and then backup and worked. I'm sorry that's happening to you but I am glad it's not just me


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  13. That is a great idea and point. I know in xplane11 you cam recreate famous crashes and yes they can be "fun" but also a great training tool and experience tool. Also it would be great if in msfs2020 they have some sort of flight problems you can work through. Like an engine stall, emergency landings. How about a way to radio into atc and call for an emergency. They clear the runways and ylu cam make emergency landings , crashes ect...


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  14. That would try the Guys over at flight velocity. They probably won't have what your looking for on their website but if you give them a call And explain what your looking for I am pretty sure they can 3-D print and built something for you. I use them all the time, and I know they ship all over the world. They are based out of Florida. Funny story, they are actually based right at my home town airport where I live and I fly out of. I got to meet most of them and they really are a great bunch of guys over there . They even went above and beyond for my 87 year old father . Won't get into all the details but they made something happen literally in a couple of hours on a Friday afternoon, so my dad could take one last flight (on the simulator of course) but one last flight before he went into a nursing home. As of today (5-3-21) he is in surgery fighting for his life. Sorry I digress...



    There number should be on the site but here is there 800 number 866-937-9371


    Let them know that Wanerka electric recommended them to you if you do call them and if you don't mind :-)


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  15. Ok so this is my new problem with msfs2020. First off I love msfs2020, I am not a hater at all. I fly the c-172 mostly because that is what I fly in real life.

    So here is the problem. Let's say I take a flight, does not matter where, just from point a to point b. IFR flight , If I use the autopilot and I am landing rnav or an ils approach, before I touch down I take it off autopilot, flair up a little and touch down. All goes very well.

    Now I go to take off again (Manual no autopilot) and my trim goes crazy. It either goes way up or way down without me even touching it. This happens everytime now.

    So I have to not only exit out of that flight but reset the whole simulator.

    Is that happening to anyone else ?


    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

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