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Posts posted by natman1965

  1. To really put it in perspective.


    Go to a good will store and you might find and old pentium 3 PC with win98 installed and a voodoo 16 megabyte graphics card and an amazing 512 megs of system RAM. Yes I said megabyte it was not a typo. Near by might be a copy of MS flight sim 2000


    Take it home fire it up and install FS 2000 and fly it around a bit.


    I bet your really happy with FS 2020 now.


    And by the way; I paid 60 bucks for FS 2000 and it came on multiple cds. I think five



    I am starting to sound like my dad to. You left out "get a hair cut you look like a girl" except these days it would probably be "stop punching holes in your face and stay away from the tattoo parlor".


    Dad passed away last December but he did tell me a few months before he died that he was now glad that I did not grow up to be more like Bruce Jenner;)

  3. I think if there is anywhere you have to cut 2020 a break its the scenery. Its the first sim I have purchased in twenty years where true VFR flight is a reality right down to individual buildings that no add on for previous sims would ever think to place.


    Most everyone here has come over from a previous sim so I think the best way to approach this is decide what type of flying session you are in the mood for.


    VFR; load up FS 2020

    IFR/ILS; load up xplane.

  4. Ya that was my intention also but forgot to cancel my subscription so I am in until next month. The sim is really not that bad if you are just tooling around in GA taking in the sites but from what I am reading the guys wanting to fly anything more complex are having a bad time of it.


    So far I have less than ten dollars invested so I have decided to not let it bother me. In the 80s I use to spend more than that in an afternoon at the arcade playing missal command. This sim even with its problem's blows missal command out of the water.

  5. I am starting to get a little worried. I am seeing more and more experienced flight simers come to the conclusion that the sim is not worth it in its current state and have decided to wait until things get worked out.


    Problem is the bean counters at MS will just see this as lack of sales/interest. When the customers abandon the software the developer and publisher is not far behind.

  6. Let us know what you think!


    Got the patch installed and I think my stutters are gone.


    Did some pattern work in the 172 at my home air port KVNC and there was always stuttering in various spots and always on turn to final/approach but not after this patch.


    Flew down to a grass strip just a few miles south and same deal.


    Went further south to an airport outside of my manual cach and same deal.

    Throttle seemed a little smoother; trim still wonky. Maybe there is hope after all.


    Considering how slow Honeycomb seems to be with there yoke and throttle quadrant the sim might be fixed before I can get new peripherals anyways.

  7. Well the original plan was to upgrade the PC buy new peripherals and be happy with the MS 2020. But with all the bugs and basically trying to figure out work arounds for the the sims deficiencies and left out features I am not enjoying myself much with this sim right now


    I would like to congratulate MS and Asobo for spectacular scenery which makes low and slow GA guys like me thrilled. We have been left out for a decade or more.


    Plan now is the same except back to xplane and spend money on orbix florida scenery, my main flying area, which is not as good as MS default IMO but the actual flying part is firmly in place.


    A thanks in advance to all of those who are going to work with this sim for a year or more so guys like me can come back and reep the benifits;) I will keep an eye on the forum to get a gauge on when this starts to happen.


    So like General MacArthur said; I shall return.

  8. Not yet. There are many posts on the official forums about this.

    Most people want it so I'm sure it'll happen with one of the updates. We just have to wait.




    The just having to wait stuff is probably getting old for a lot of people and its not just MS. Its impossible to buy yokes, pedals etc right now and upgrading to the nvidea 30 series will probably follow suit.


    Personally I will likely be around when all gets sorted out. I have already waited 20 years for the type of VFR flying this new sim provides. My fear is that new people will have moved on well before the waiting game is over and a golden opportunity to expand the flight sim community will be lost.

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