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Posts posted by natman1965

  1. I know tomorrow is a WU and not a SU but I think ASOBO needs a homer here. I just changed my usercfg back to defaults in prep for tomorrows DL and holy carp are the pop ins bad at LOD 2. If they don't come thru with the promised sliders to help in this regard I think they are in for another firestorm of unhappy customers.


    I have my views set up to snap left right etc with buttons on my yoke. The redraw every time is reminiscent of past sims maybe worse. How a developer can do something like this and call it an "optimization" is beyond me. In fact its probably the most bush league thing I have ever seen a developer do. Hopefully it was just a mistake on there part but I am at the point now when it comes to ASOBO and what they say I will believe it when I see it.


    AT any rate good luck to all on tomorrows DL, that in its self is always an adventure.

  2. Looks like we are stuck with the pop in scenery introduced with SU5. The development update simply list it as under investigation 2021/22 as to providing a slider to adjust this. This combined with the new washed out look is destroying this sims main strength which is the visuals. IMO the new washed out look is there to help hide the downgrades. Xplane does the same thing with the haze effect it always uses. AA seems to be an issue for me also. Trees in the distance now appear quite grainy.


    Always had a love hate relationship with this sim but I think I am the closets I have ever been to just setting it aside for awhile until ASOBO/MS figure out what they really want this software to be.


    On the bright side if I do this I can move my yoke and TQ out of the way and use my desk for something normal adults use it for

  3. This needs to be at Flightsimulator.com, where Asobo i goes. Not here. You wasted your time falling on the many deaf ears of fans of this sim in these forums, and this type of complaint post is best suited over there where. THEY will read it. Post it here all you want but the developer Asobo doesn’t come here and won’t see it.


    This is like sending a fan mail to a hot chick actress, and instead sending it to the address of an 86 year old dude somewhere because you got the wrong address.


    As a VFR type and CTD free I am able to use the sim fine. Posting on the main forum would be equally useless as it will get lost in the avalanche of other threads from people unhappy at the moment. Was also not aware that this was a fans of FS2020 only forum.


    Was only suggesting that the Marketing depart stop creating unrealistic expectations thus aggravating further those that are having problems with the sim and relieving the unnecessary pressure that ASOBO is probably under at this point

  4. ASOBO has been under a lot of heat lately but it occurred to me that almost all of this could have been avoided if some one had reigned in the marketing department and insisted on a little honesty.


    The easiest thing to do would have been to wait a year and release on both platforms at the same time. This way PC users would not have a frame of reference to claim/see degraded visuals that came with SU5/xbox.


    Don't post preview vids made from a in house build that is obviously superior to what the end user will/would get.


    Openly state that the sim is a ten year project and at the moment is best suited for VFR GA flight but will be developed into a fully functioning sim for IFR and complex aircraft.


    I can only speak for myself but knowing this would not have prevented me from buying the sim. I think most would feel the same and be happily looking to the future. Instead we have....well you know what we have.

  5. Good article. I learned using VOR and given all the bug reports I have not spent any time "relearning" my navigation skills for this new sim so far. Of course I fly all VFR on the west coast of FL. Not too hard to keep the coast line in site to get to points North or South and altimeter is pretty much set and forget and at my age "forget" is one of my main skills.
  6. I went through Origin and have basically the same system as yours except for a 10900k on the cpu. They took forever but I am glad I went with them. Having built my on rigs in the past I went through it with a fine tooth comb and could not find a single build flaw. They even did a burn in and set the bios up correctly. Even if I had been a noob there would have been no problem. Literally plug and play
  7. Back in March or whenever it was that most people's FPS dropped into single figures, everyone with top end systems were saying "no problems here" and posting screenshots all over the place showing their 50-60fps over New York on Ultra. The boot's on the other foot now, which proves that what goes around, comes around.


    It think the goal should have been for the boot's to be on both feet

  8. Ah Carp!! I think I know the point of the new washed out appearance. After using freestyle to get the same look as before SU 5 the pop ins are really noticeable. I am not talking about when quickly switching views either. I flew a straight line from KVNC looking straight out the front and as I approached Sarasota the buildings trees everything were popping in terrible. Go back to the default washed out colors and much less noticeable.


    I sincerely hope this was a server anomaly and I have to come back here and eat my words

  9. I fired up the sim after I posted and tweaked the Nvidia freestyle a bit more and I think I am pretty happy now. I kind of feel bad for the Xbox guys now. No amount of changing settings on just my tv made much difference to the washed out look. Hopefully it does for them on there brand of TV.


    Got to give credit to Nvidia on this one, freestyle kind of saved the game for me. Maybe they should send some people over to ASOBO to give them a hand. Kinda seems like they could use some guidance right now

  10. I have been using a 55 inch Samsung Q90T OLED TV sim last August for the sim and have been fairly happy. Of course like others though the first thing I noticed after DLing SU 5 was the washed out new appearance of the sim. I have since been able to mitigate it using Nvidia freestyle but its still not quite the same.


    Kind of makes me wonder what ASOBO would recommend. You would think with the emphasis shifting to Xbox good appearance on a TV would have been there goal. At any rate switching to a monitor is probably not going to happen for me. Smallest I would go is 48 inches and 4k hdr is a must. At least we don't need high refresh rates for a flight sim.


    In a perfect world all of the possible choices would be lined up on a table running MSF so I could just point at the one I like and take it home but that's not likely to happen. Same go's for VR. If I could just find a place where I could go hands on with the various models so I could pick the one that looked best to me I would be far more likely to make the jump to VR. I guess that's one of the disadvantages of the demise of the brick and morter store.

  11. Also have been able to use the sim somewhat problem free. My specs



    32 ram

    2080 super



    The point is the flood of complaints are not spec specific. In fact the best gains have come with those of equivalent or below xbox specs. We cant just brush all of this aside by saying all the problems are from people trying to use week systems. Its just not true

  12. Ya I would agree at this point if your not using an Xbox and have game pass it probably should be avoided until things start getting ironed out.


    In comparison (and I am not saying I am going back to xplane). I used xplane prior to this sim and kept watch on there forums. Over the course of there updates including the switch to Vulcan I never saw any where near the degree of complaints bugs.


    Yes I know FS2020 is far more complex than xplane but on the other hand the resources that MS/ASOBO has at there disposable to get this thing right far exceeds that of Laminar/xplane.


    Something is vary wrong here and I think its getting to the point that this sims reputation will start to precede itself leading to drastically reduced sales and eventual demise well before the ten year promise of development that ASOBO has planed

  13. One thing for sure is there can be little debated now as to if ASOBO has been dumbing down the sim to fit Xbox. Its pretty obvious they are/did and then had the nerve to call them optimizations because it gave the PC a few more FPS.


    I noticed this trend with the very first SU and was called among other things a "conspiracy theorist".


    My PC upgrade was well over due and I don't regret it. But for people that went out and dumped money into high end PCs just for this game only to find out they just could have waited and bought an Xbox because that is quality everyone is going to get, yes they are angry.


    All of these hard feelings could have been avoided if MS/ASOBO had just waited a year and released on both platforms at the same time. Then us PC guys would have never known the difference. If that had happened I suspect then most would be singing its praise and saying things like. "Ya a lot of things are buggy but they just released it. Give it a some time and it will get fixed"

  14. We will know in a week but like I said before. The xbox people are going to have a field day with these types of bugs. Especially if its there first flight sim. IMO the melted photogrammetry is going to be a deal killer for lots of them. Coming from strictly gamer back grounds it just wont be acceptable for them. But that's just me, I could be wrong.
  15. This is the kind of stuff the new xbox people are going to see as bugs and heap a lot of criticism on among other things. I am not a "gamer" and flight sims are all I do but it was funny to watch the cyberpunk bug comedy vids that came out. Kids can be brutal and they will have no reference to past sims. Ya we all know how good this sim is but look out ASOBO I think you have some incoming on the 27th.
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