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Posts posted by MikeF

  1. I have tried this twice this week and both times, while it did put me back in the flight where I saved it, when it reloaded I lost the GPS tracking line on the AP. One flight was in the Baron, the other in the TBM. I tried to reload the remaining waypoints in the AP on the TBM flight but after entering them, when I did hit Load in the computer I got my 1st CTD. Both times the flights started and I was using the

    Working G1000 mod. The baron flight I continued after this last weeks update so that could be it. The TBM flight today I stopped because the MFD stopped updating towards the end of the flight and I couldn't set the AP to start descending for approach. I tried deleting the mod but the AP still wouldn't update and there was no GPS route in the display.


    Am I doing something wrong?

  2. I will go back and check my Controller settings. I have the Quadrant set up for Throttle, Mixture, and Prop, all Engine 1 & 2 axis. But Mixture and Prop didn't seem to do anything in the DA-62. I will check for a Prop RPM setting. I am new to this plane as I mostly have ever flown the 172 and the Baron in previous sims. I am finding that the very little I thought I knew about flight sim flying has all been pitched out the window with this one.
  3. After weeks of trying to get a good throttle action on my CH Quadrant, I am finally there by moving the throttle from the 2 left levers to the 2 in the middle. In the sim the throttle now seems linear like it should be. Now I am confused by what is going on in flight. I did a quick short flight in the DA-62 and after getting to altitude started throttling back. On the tachometers the white lines that indicate throttle position are dropping like they should but the rpms of the engine is not for quite some time after moving the throttles. And that is only after dropping the levers to Idle position. The Quadrant is calibrated, Sensitivity is set to 0% in the sim. Like I said, the throttle position indicators are working and following the lever movement just like it should. It is just that the engines don't seem to react until much, much later. This makes landing a real challenge. Real airplanes don't act this way, do they?
  4. Has anybody made a list of all the assignable controller options in MSFS yet? Kind of like the one for the k/b bindings that you can find here, but listing all the axis assignments as well. I am wondering as I am going to setup a midi device to control a/p functions and was wanting to plan out what to assign to knobs and what to buttons. If not I know I can select ALL in the sim itself, but was wanting to preplan if possible.
  5. I went from legacy to modern. I was impossible to fly on legacy (hadn't adjusted the sliders) Once I went over to modern the whole thing felt much more real. FWIW.


    Could be the Alpha vs the CH. I ordered an Alpha back in August. It was supposed to ship on Sept 1 but then was delayed until Sept 15. Now they are telling me maybe Oct 31 so I have decided to try to get comfortable with the CH while I wait. It just feels like i have to "fight" the controls all the time unless the AP is turned on.

  6. the place where you go to Configure your MSFS




    On top there is a wording either LEGACY or MODERN , change it to MODERN and then several sliders, which I leave at 100%


    make sure you take a good look at all your GENERAL and ASSISTANCE settings because every time you think its a problem thats the first place to check

    Mine is set to Modern and the sliders are all greyed out. I have to change it to Legacy to change any of the sliders. Is that correct?

  7. For those that are intersted.


    So what had happened was......


    After some testing and tweaking. It was on legacy mode. Good god. I implore anyone having issues with controls or random movements etc. CHECK THAT SETTING. Turned it to Modern and its a whole new sim. Ran a bunch of touch and goes with the C172 and it was like butter.


    Im slowly finding settings and tweaks that are pealing away the layers of what could be frustration for many others.


    What and where is the Legacy Mode you are talking about? I am getting frustrated with trying to hand fly the few aircraft I have tried and just want to check if this could be my problem. I am using a CH Yoke, Pedals, and Quadrant.

  8. It’s a question of power output. A typical device uses around 500mA, so if your hub’s power supply is say.. 3amp then in theory you could plug in 6 devices, assuming there is enough usb sockets on your hub. That is in theory. Usually 3 or 4 devices is all you can get away with.

    One thing I’ve noticed as well, is that they tend to prefer USB 2 rather than USB 3. Certainly Saitek panels do at least.




    It is a 3amp model. I have ran into that 2.0 vs 3.0 before with racing wheels. Unfortunately, my motherboard doesn't have any 2.0 inputs. It has 5x Gen 1 and 2x Gen2 3.0 Ports on back with 2 more on front of the case. Splitting them up did the trick. No more sudden spinning or diving.

  9. I kept getting that. Never figured out what I was doing wrong.


    That along with some yoke/pedal funkiness yesterday and I was ready to just quit. I kept losing the pedals completely and the yoke controls kept going haywire all at once. I was trying to use a new powered usb hub and had all 3 CH products plugged into the hub. Hoping that was the issue. Now that the update is finished I will go and find out. Here is hoping that they helped the trim issues, even if they didn't mention it.

  10. I am trying to get passed the First Solo Flight Challenge and the Instructor keeps failing me because she says I wasn't supposed to land there. I have followed the exact procedures from the previous lesson, climb to 5400 turn left, climb to 5700 and turn left, throttle down and add flaps and turn left, idle throttle and turn left, land. It never works for me as she says I ma not supposed to land there. What gives?
  11. Received my Premium Key today and tried just to update the GP version but No Go here. I have had issues with the MS Store updating games ever since updating my router to an Orbi system, although not sure if that is the issue. All I know is the problems started around the same time. I had to go back to playing Forza on my xBox around the same time due to the dreaded Teredo not working issue. So I just uninstalled the GP version and am reinstalling the Premium. Thank God for 100Mb Fibre.
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