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Everything posted by r7b

  1. Whomever criticized VR so venomously: Seriously guys, did you actually try it? I fly X-Plane 11.50 with Oculus Rift S and a simple DIY rig consisting of a yoke on a DIY pedestal, pedals and a chair with bass transducers. First time I tried it in VR was a overwhelming "WOW!" - it does not compare to anything you can do at home, up to a full cabin simulator. You feel you are there, you have full depth perception, 360 visuals, and on Rift S I can read all instrumentation in a 737. And I actually interact with all switches and buttons, I can feel autopilot and nav encoders clicking when I grab and rotate them (I have controller in my right hand and use left for the yoke). Resolution is not yet ideal, but it's not bad at all even on Rift S (1280×1440 per eye), and upcoming HP Reverb G2 (2160x2160 per eye, a 4K quality) will be much better. Any YouTube video recording of VR doesn't show full resolution, because it's a crop and resize and looks bad, nothing like real VR. Again, I can read and operate all instruments and switches n the 737. I do have to lean just a bit to see all FMC letters or GPS details on general aircraft properly but not much. Almost everything else is clear enough to read well without leaning. Cessna is easy. Just the depth perception and "real sizeness" of it are worth it. Landings are so much more real with it. But really, everything is a whole level of magnitude better in VR. I won't buy MSFS2020 until they have VR support, no matter how amazing graphics is (and it really is, blows my mind) - it cannot compare with VR. Any other game too BTW. Flat-screen gaming is dead for me. That's what VR does. So, don't mind the YouTube recording quality, it's always bad and not representative of VR experience. Just try it. But beware - you may be hooked for life.
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