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Posts posted by bjl345

  1. You are trying to force the simulator beyond its intended use, which is for home use. Maybe the PRO version would better satisfy your expectations. 

    If you are a licensed pilot with over 500 hrs. you could try being a guide for virtual pilots but, in that case, I would strongly recommend MSFS.

  2. On 3/6/2023 at 7:12 AM, Elvensmith said:

    Asked this on Avsim but no reply so far. With both FSX and MSFS now having issues not reloading the flight plan etc. into the FMS/FMC on resuming a save game (even the beloved Level D 767), was wondering how XP12 fares in this respect? Don’t really want to pay out £50 when my interest is primarily long haul heavy iron flights. Otherwise the new sim looks very intriguing.

    It will not allow you to load flight plans. It says that the one you are trying to load "was saved with a different version" but you saved it a couple of hours before with the same version you are using.

  3. Likewise. Back to FSX. They should have separate pages, starting with the marketplace. Every update brings new issues and makes more complicate to start a single free flight.

    On the other hand, don´t fill us with third parties expensive developments. With a couple more airliners as part of the bundle it would be enough. How many pilots out there are certified in more than one or two different airplanes?

    Bst rgds

  4. In real life, if you fly comercisl your call sign will always be the airline followed by de flight number (ie, United123) and in GA the callsign will be your tail number though you have to keep in mind that controller may shorten it if there is a traffic overload. It may happen more often with ATC than with Approach or Radar.

    Safe landings.

  5. FSX, or at least the version I have, came with a printed manual and a separate quick reference guide. That of course was in the days when software came in boxes instead of via download. The manual was not as extensive as the book SoFly offers, but at least you had something you could refer to.


    I have de FS Deluxe Edition (2 DVDs) with a Quick reference and Insider information. First one containing even an illustration of the joystick and its functions, all of them enough to have you in full command in almost no time at all. But now, the commercial part "took over" and I promise never ever again buy a MS simulator, or plane or train or whatever. Regards.

  6. Thanks for the tip. I upgraded my computer, bought MSFS, downloaded it (tried to) but there was a power outing (wind) and still 62 GiB are missing. You can't resume and it's now stuck in the updating. Been retrying for 9 days now. If it doesn't work in the next hours I'll ask for a refund (so helps me Gosh), and willl be back to recover my faithful FSX.


    Bst rgds.




    Now have it installed and running, missing what everybody else is missing.

  7. Unfortunately MSFS was launched in such a hurry to maximize earnings that it forgot to include a Manual with the essentials. SoFly – A Guide to Flight Simulator – MSFS 2020 is a loss of money. Lots of photos of flying planes and some menus BUT little about controls settings, keyboard assignments presets and other important topics a manual of such a complicated interfase as this one has was supposed to contain. A WASTE of money. :mad:
  8. Thanks for the tip. I upgraded my computer, bought MSFS, downloaded it (tried to) but there was a power outing (wind) and still 62 GiB are missing. You can't resume and it's now stuck in the updating. Been retrying for 9 days now. If it doesn't work in the next hours I'll ask for a refund (so helps me Gosh), and willl be back to recover my faithful FSX.


    Bst rgds.

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