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Everything posted by Lutz_Fl

  1. for those who are interested take 5 Minutes to have a closer look at my project My new Proejct PIPER PA 28 ARCHER from 1981 is close to the end. I know that big names published the modern Archer IV. So it is a bit risky to try that thing with the old model from 1981. But i started work before others where at the horizon, (for me) and i gave my word to friends who fly this aircraft in our aero club. They are so very friendly to take me on their trips, let me fly myself and teach everything i have to know. I can ask them what ever i want and i get the answers. :) And this is the reason why i want to finish it although. I can take pictures when ever and where ever i want. And i use them as textures. as far as it is possible. I think upto now it is well done, as a friend told me, a commercial pilot. And my friends from the club also. I hope i can find an interested and enthusiastic sim Pilot who has knowledge about this plane to give me constructiv advice. with kind regards Lutz_FL (Lutz Foetenmeyer)
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