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Everything posted by airpiet

  1. After a long search, i changed the word for "MCDU" -> CDU, FMC then i found the webpages of Wayne Piekarski (XPlaneCDU) and Ville Ranki (Extplane). These github projects should give me all i need to know. But - how is this done in FSX/P3D ?
  2. I have found a thing that is offered by Prepar3D... http://:8080/mcdu/mcdu.html is this the content of the mcdu shown in a browser? this would be interesting. Does fsx or x.plane offer something like that? i have found the URL in this forum-thread: https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/topic/10971-mcdu-on-ipad-enable-fullscreen/
  3. Thanks slag for the quick reply. Yes, I have some questions. There are some APIs to interface x-plane. The main question is: how to get the content of the mcdu screen? The buttons are not the problem. There are interfaces for the Teensy or for the Arduino to send messages to a flight sim, fsx or x.plane. But - the direction back - i would hope there is a command to x-plane or fsx to get the content of the screen in - let's say - XML. Or - the not-so-good-solution - get the content of the MCDU-Screen-Part in fsx or x-plane. That is the part I don' t understand. I think you are suggesting the latter way, is that right? Connect a small screen to a 2nd computer - run x-plane there and configure x-plane to only view the mcdu screen? That is possible? Then for each mcdu one has to buy a single computer and the license? (Background: i am programmer and familiar with python, java, .NET - so i just need the programmier's interface) kind regards peter
  4. Hi Forum Members, i am designing a MCDU for an Airbus A320. Most Devices you can buy have an VGA Connector. Do you have to run a single PC for the MCDU? Where does the VGA-Screen of the MCDU get its Content? Are there appropriate Plugins? What I really want is this: Build a small Computer in that MCDU (e.g. raspberry), connect the small Screen to the Pi and then get the content of the MCDU from the flight simulator. The Big Question is: is this possible? I cannot find the datapoints in the APIs of SimConnect or FSUIPC to get the content of the MCDU. I hope someone understands my question and can enlighten me :-) regards Peter
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