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Everything posted by diogenes999

  1. I meant to add that these should be for either FS2004 or FSX.
  2. On 23 Jan 2020, a Coulson C-130 airtanker named Zeus, reg N134CG, contracted to the Rurlal Fire Service in New South Wales, Australia, crashed, killing all three crew members. I'd like someone to do textures for this aircraft for Mike Stone's, or Simshed's, or Captain Sim's C-130. Pic here: https://nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/36i7SKuzkApKRqnK2hWiW9n/ffcaf296-019b-4e13-8187-54fe8898f5b6.jpg/r0_153_3000_1846_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg The crew were Capt Ian Mc Beth, FO Paul Hudson and FE Rick DeMorgan. May these selfless heroes rest in peace. I hope someone takes up this challenge. Thank you. Gerry, debates@iinet.net.au
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