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Everything posted by joaopaz

  1. So far I'm just playing with the XP11 demo, going through some tutorials. Also love the aircraft handling (although I'll need to calibrate my JS) The price is right, too! ....but I can see the "bug" ahead, just waiting ... Cheers!!
  2. Coming in late, but I've been considering X-Plane 11 myself. I'm still flying FS9 and don't intend to abandon it Also have FSX but am comfortable with 9 and all the addons and tweaks so hardly gathered through the years; and a big plus is to simply fire the sim and fly! But always wanted to try X-Plane; I downloaded the demos and 11 runs smooth on my machines while 12 is off limits. The big plus about X-Plane (the way I see it) is the cockpit experience. Out of the box they're so much better than anything defaulf from FSX or FS9. And the way it zooms smooth to the gauges, the moving shadows inside the cockpit - all seems to make it a lot mroe immersive than the MS sims I know.
  3. Let me clear up a few things: I'm not venting. This thread was meant as feedback for admins, reporting that the most basic query of a database wasn't working - didn't even cross my mind this was a long known issue. I don't need this file, I have it safe in my HDs since long - you may confirm that easilly since on my first post here I quoted another older post of mine linking to that file. I came here to check if there were any updates. I found the results odd, so I looked for the original files. (BUT thank you very much, Flattermann, for taking your time to search the file for me.) And that is not only the filename that can't be found. If you search for a specific author you will get many files from other authors that may have referred him/her in their text. I could verify this first hand as, after replying to FlightSim.com's request to authors to claim their files (not exactly these words) I saw many files put under my name/profile that don't belong to me - but made use of my work. I'm sorry, but the current state of the file library looks like a big mess. I'm not a paying member so I am very aware that I get what I paid for. I'm also aware that there are other flightsim portals.. I've been using them alongside flightsim.com for decades - and also because there seems to be a common reply here: "if you don't like it, go somewhere else". Not very kind, so most probably I will.
  4. Ant that makes it even worse. Why can a system find some files and not others? Not to mention that the file you searched is outdated and superceded by the one I mentioned
  5. Again I thank you for your positive thoughts. But if a file system can't find a file by it's name something is fundamentally wrong.
  6. I know you're well intentioned, and I cherrish the positive attitude. But this is absurd. There is nothing more concrete and specific than the exact file name. You were able to find it because you understood the contents... you identified the word "otter". But what would you do if the file was named "a56bz37.zip"? And about content creators... I'm a content creator here, maybe since 1998? I uploaded many files more than 20 years ago. So past content creators have nothing to do with the current inability of the search function.
  7. Hi, I searched the site for otterttc.zip It produced 0 (zero) results in the file library. It produced 1 result in a post I had written myself a year ago or so... From that post I could follow a link and, suprise, the file is still there in the library....
  8. Thanks again for your answers, guys. It's been very interesting and enlightening, too So, since you mentioned aircraft... what would be the best page to check what freeware is available for XP11? Here at flightsim.com or elsewhere? Me too, I'm so used to tweak FS9/X and that's wonderful, but at the same time the flight experience itself seems to be very different (better?) in XP... so I'm thinking I'll keep them all and have the best of both worlds
  9. joaopaz

    Active Sky 6.5

    Same here. I'm using REX Fs2004 and FSrealWX Lite, the free version. Gorgeous skies every time!
  10. ...with a bunch of nice people at another forum https://fs2004.team/ If you ever have the time to do it, Sir, that would be awsome - but I still have plenty of your other sceneries to install and enjoy! If it wasn't you Northern Alaska would be such a lonely place in FS9!
  11. Dear Roger, thanks for your reply! No worries about it. Yes I remember Holger Sandmann and of course all his freeware work and with the Misty guys Wonderful sceneries up to do this day! If you didn't use/included a texture I reckon it must be on one main folder. But you gave me an idea, I'll check if that's the same texture on HS's work. Thank you! Incidentally, I was talking today with friends about Whitehorse Intl and of how there's almost nothing done for that airport.. and someone mentioned something like "surprisingly not even Roger Wensley did something there.."
  12. Hi, guys - I'm hoping that Roger may see this Roger, I'm using all your 3 files on this subject - and they work great (just the LOD lines are a bummer but I know that's FS and not your work!) Two things... a) just to confirm.. The Norton Sound isn't frozen.. correct? b) would it be possible for you to let me know what texture is in use for the frozen bodies of water? In my system it comes out "brownish" specially since I changed most scenery/world/texture winter textures for a much brighter tone.. so in comparison is quite a contrast. I'd like to edit that texture if possible. It's not on your zips so must be something from FS9 itself. Thanks, and thank you for your work! (impressive!!) Joao
  13. joaopaz

    Moon mod

    This thing in action is quite impressive
  14. joaopaz

    Moon mod

    Never tried it but always read great things about it. Do you have experience with it? I was always put off a bit by the funny characters but KS always pops up in the best space sim lists...
  15. joaopaz

    Moon mod

    +1 cat for the roster Mine is an expert in finding the most obscure FS key assignments!
  16. Thanks Col, I'm still playing with the demo and liking it better each day. I could turn on antialias this time, just one notch, and still get frame rates at about 40. Some minor visual glitches on VC but no important at all as the rest really compensates. So, If I may ask one more: out of the box XP11 has airports all around the world? even though generic, I guess? I trying to figure if it is like FS9 or FSX...
  17. I'm sure it would be important at this point. I'd read it.
  18. Hi Kali! So that pack is the XP11 simulator plus the airports right? Sounds great and a fair price. I tried it already (the 11 demo) and as long as I keep antialiasing off it runs (and looks) very decent. Love the VCs, very immersive (even with moving shadows I have a dual boot setup Windows 10 (because of FS2004) and Linux Mint and it runs marginally better on Linux. Will for sure consider that, thank you! Joao
  19. joaopaz

    Moon mod

    I spent a few good hours there maybe a year ago Funny how such a slooooow thing can be so immersive. So contrary to modern day speeds... or maybe because of that, exactly! Thanks ffor the reminder!
  20. Thanks again! Got it now. I'm still trying the demo... it runs nice on my system but I must keep antialiasing off - as soon as that kicks in you can count the frames It's a huger difference. But even without AA it still looks really good!
  21. That was a great reply, thank you for that! Roger on everything - just need to clarify 2 things. ZL18 means that you're flying high and that no "autogen" is needed, but if you zoom in you still get a lot of detail? Those $30 dicounts are for the digital edition, right? Where can I find those? Off-topic (maybe) coming from Microsoft flight sims one thing I noticed when I tried the demos was... there's something about the perspective in X-Plane, both scenery outside or VC views, that make my monitor (a samsung tv) look like it doubled its size! Does this rings any bells? Is it a well known fact? Thanks again flytv1, JP
  22. joaopaz

    Moon mod

    ..also found this: http://www.terrabuilder.com/TB/terrabuilder-moon.html
  23. joaopaz

    Moon mod

    A quick chatGPT turned out it (no time now to confirm it...) I believe the add-on you are referring to is called "Virtual Moon" for FS2004. It was created by Visual Simulation Systems, a company that specialized in creating add-ons for flight simulators. The "Virtual Moon" add-on allowed users to fly over a detailed 3D model of the moon's surface, which was created using data from NASA. It also replaced the terrain in North America with a lunar surface, giving the impression that you were flying over the moon. Unfortunately, Visual Simulation Systems is no longer in business and their website is no longer active. However, there are still some references to the "Virtual Moon" add-on online, including a few YouTube videos that showcase the add-on in action. It's possible that you may be able to find a copy of the add-on through a third-party seller or on a flight simulator forum.
  24. joaopaz

    Moon mod

    Just a note to say I'm following this one and the other topic! 4 space nerds so far? ;)
  25. Hi guys, I always wanted to try X-Plane but never really had the PC for that, then stepped away from FS for a few years. My PC is now an old friend from 2014 but with a little help from another ol'graphics card it can run FS9 maxed out at above 60fps.. and also FSX I'm sure. This past weekend I installed the X-Plane 9 demo (I started with that one because of its release date) and it was a breeze! Then I tried v12 but immediately got a warning about my card so stepped down one noth: X-Plane 11 runs nicely, I guess.. at least the demo, untweaked. The images are breathtaking and I'd say it runs smooth but if when panning on the VC I notice the weight of the sim on my system.. so I'd probably end up trying 10 and maybe buy an old copy of it. Is v10 a great improve from 9? .. it's a 3-year span. v10 is 2011 so I'm sure it will be ok. 6-years from 10 to 11 so I guess that's when the huge leap really happened? My main interest is the Alaska, Canada region. Also Finland, far north landscapes. Is Alaska covered by 10? And what about freeware versus payware available packs? Are there many freeware developers for X-Plane? Oh, I have a dual boot setup with Win10 and Linux Mint. I suppose I should try the demo on both to check which one holds it better? My apologies for all these questions - it is just that I am coming in way late to the party! Any info will be appreciated, thanks! Joao
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