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Posts posted by wobbie

  1. Maybe try install the FS9.1 update & the 9.1 patch. This should have been done years ago.

    That, at least will let the sim start without CD4.


    Instead of uninstalling & reinstalling, and deleting everything, all you have to do is to delete the fs9.cfg & then restart the sim.

    When in doubt, 1st thing to do is to delete the FS9.cfg


    The above sorts out 95% of issues.  

    Oh, & Fs9 works very well, in fact perfectly with Windows 11. The usual caveats apply though.

  2. Interesting that many are saying that they will buy FS2024 without hesitation, sight unseen, not knowing what the minimum specs are..

    The search for the Holy Grail continues...

    Me? I've tried it. Yes, it is 'realistic' from a Google Earth's point of view.. eye candy et al.. But the cost of hardware to get it going!!


    Anyway, For me, the immersion factor is so much greater than the realistic factor that FS2020 claims. 

    Can I fly my favourite low's 'n slow's, Can I have fun with 'fictitious' planes & scenery? --- Of course not.

    A very famous freeware developer & painter (now departed) always said.. 

    "Simming is all about Fun, Fact & Fiction!" 

    So, as the original poster says.. 'FS2020 is of no use to me!'

    For some, yes, but me? 'Nope!'

    • Like 1
  3. Mmmm interesting indeed. 

    Sorry, I'm a bit of a late-comer, my thoughts...


    I obviously read, with great interest, the Questionnaire, and I've decided to just give my feelings on what has been suggested.

    The major point is how to differentiate between yourselves, and any other VA/club out there.

    Some valid points have been raised, & maybe I'm playing Devil's Advocate here.

    I'm a very long-time simmer, and I'm also scenery & aircraft beta tester for a couple of developers that still support FS2004.

    My story is as follows.. (I'll get to my VA/club thoughts shortly)


    There are many VA/clubs out there, all offering very similar features. Airfield bases, hubs, fleet & so on.

    To be honest, I did get a bit bored flying the usual point to point routes & for a long time, I lost interest in simming, because everything was basically the same. This is NOT an advert, but finding a new, for me, site with scenery & paints really got me interested in simming again.

    For me, things HAVE to be interesting, & my interest long ago moved from the 'Bus's & Boeings to the low's & slow's, VFR flying instead of IFR.


    So, this is where I've ended up with FS2004., which is probably unique, as you can multiple different themed installs. All my major stuff is freeware, & I had different installs for Golden Wings, Ford Tri-Motor Project, Space (yes, even with space scenery & spaceships, a Vintage install, (pre GW era) a heritage install (WWII) and then a 'normal' install. My favourite is my Alaska install, with Return to Misty Moorings & Tongass Fjords scenery, all populated with suitable aircraft.


    So, this is what I'm getting at..My flying, for me, has to be different from the usual, and maybe that is what I'm looking for in a VA/club. 

    AS I'm writing this, my thoughts are slowly coming together.. The late Garry Smith, developer of The Ford Tri-Motor Project & texture painter of hundreds of aircraft, said that simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction.

    So, being Devil's Advocate again, why not try something different.. For those that do not know The Ford Tri-Motor Project site, have a look. There is a whole new universe out there that could be fun to explore, with very different scenery, including sloping runways.  There can be many interesting flights there, with a vast range of different sceneries. Also, exploring Alaska, with Misty Moorings, could be fun, with bush flying, & very different sceneries.


    Sorry to rock the boat, and to throw a couple of ideas out there.. Maybe a good idea would be to have a 'Clubhouse' home base with satellite airfields.


    Anyway, that's just me with my thoughts & feelings about what maybe I would prefer in a VA/club,

    • Thanks 1
  4. How real can we get? Using gaming joysticks, sometimes yoke & pedals, on a 14-20' screen? 

    We built a Avro Shackleton simulator on a trailer, using actual seats, yoke, pedals & throttle quad, with a screen in the cockpit & a projector for the scenery. All using FS2004 with a payware Avro Shackleton add-on, with freeware South African scenery. The PC was Windows 7 with onboard graphics.

    Re realized that it was the Immersion factor that was more important than realism, when we saw real pilots 'bump' in the seats when anticipating touchdown.

    So, the Real Deal? It's all about the immersion factor, and that works for any aircraft, even boats & cars, in FS2004.

    • Thanks 1
  5. As a great FS2004 developer once said.. Simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction..!


    That retro look is actually quite nice. It's no secret that I love, & have quite a few themed installs of FS2004.


    Now imagine flying in that retro scenery!! 

    I'll be happy even with a retro city or airport.. Flying Blimps & other steampunk planes.

  6. 17 hours ago, Bwoinbeerr said:

    I have installed FS2004 using the discs. It was late, I was tired and had no energy to try out things.


    Very grateful for all of the assistance though.


    Long live FS2004!

    Yep, FS2004 rocks...

  7. Did you have a look at the properties of the FS9.cfg..

    Tried to run in XP Compatibility Mode & as Administrator?


    That should make things work.

    By the way, in my experience, no need to have a separate partition for FS2004 at all. I have a couple of installs, Golden Wings & Silver Wings both running off a 2TB portable drive, and a 'Normal' version running off my C:\FS2004 drive. No issues running off the portable drive at all.

  8. On 2/29/2024 at 4:00 AM, Aces of the ace said:

    Hi i want to get the Coral sea mission by Yanco San for FS2004, can't find it in simviation

    Check your PM's.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, gambit9m said:

    I am using FSX deluxe and I was trying to install KLAX Version 3.0 I moved the folder containing the bgl files to the FSX addon scenery folder then I opened the sim and tried to add the scenery using the "add area" button. After clicking the "add area" button I browsed to the KLAX folder and clicked on it, The secret is to right-click in the white of the folder, before you click the OK button     next I clicked the okay button but it just opened the folder.

    I have tried installing several different scenery's but the only way I can get them to work is by putting the bgl files in the FSX addon scenery/ scenery folder but that can cause problems when your replacing an already existing airport.


    I'll try to add pictures later.


    • Like 1
  10. On 2/11/2024 at 11:47 PM, modelr said:

    Happens with every file when using Windows EDGE browser. I just click on "keep anyway." Only happens on this website, none of the other file sites.

    I'm using Edge in Windows 11 & it always happens to me as well. I just 'Keep' it & carry on. It's really a 'non issue'!

  11. By the way, if you had purchased the software, NMG would obviously have supported it.

    Now that they have released all their older software as freeware, they do state, with the (free) download ;..

    We do not offer any support for this scenery. You download, install and use this scenery entirely on your own.

    So, I'm not sure why the complaint?

  12. So, you have a complaint about software that was originally payware, for many years, & is now Freeware! (as NMG is only concentrating on MSFS)


    Did you contact NMG at all, with regard to your complaint?

    The first stop, for any queries, complaints & even praise, should be with the developers of the software.


    My vote, to improve dialogue between users AND developers, is to contact developers FIRST, before posting complaints, that possibly could be resolved, on a public forum.



    • Thanks 1
  13. I know that a lot of time has gone by, is any of the AutoSportsSimulations.com cars available? I would love to get some of them..

    such as:

    Le Mans Jags, Cobra's, Ford GT 40's, McLarens, Lambo's Indy's, the Classic series etc...

    Tracks? (apart from Lime)


    There are a couple in the library, and completing the collection could be fun.

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