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Posts posted by g7rta

  1. 59.99 pounds is 75.4USD.

    79.99 pounds is 100.54USD.

    109.99 pounds is 138.24USD.


    Your answer doesn’t really work.

    Going by those figures.... you will pay $59.99 for the standard edition...but we will pay $75 etc


    So I can see where he’s coming from, but as I pointed out. The uk price also includes VAT & we always pay the same in pounds as you do in dollars. It is a bit of a rip off but everything’s like that.




  2. Screens he’s allowed to share?

    The only screenshots he can share are ones uploaded to the alpha/beta forum and which Microsoft themselves have then decided to release.

    He can’t even let you look over his shoulder while he’s using the sim. He has to test it in private.


    Not long to go until it’s released though :)




  3. Welcome back :)

    I too have recently bought a Honeycomb yoke & have ordered the Bravo throttles. The Bravo was supposed to come out in September but they’ve put it back a month. Personally I would wait for them to be released rather than buy a temporary one. Mind you,

    I have the Saitek throttles while I’m waiting. They cost about £60 new but you can usually find some on eBay much cheaper



    As for pedals.. I’m still using my CH Products pedals (must be about 15-20 years old now!)

    I think Honeycomb have plans to make their own pedals but I don’t know when. I’ll probably upgrade when they do.







  4. I too am a fan of VR, although as I said previously I haven’t done it too much lately. I have a Quest & a Rift. Both are fantastic.


    However, not everyone here is a fan. I think you should stop banging on about it & stop starting all these new posts.


    Best Regards


  5. Although I haven’t been using VR all that much lately (due to testing a certain flight sim) but I do own an Oculus Rift and a Quest.

    Whenever I do use the rift, it never fails to impress me, especially when in a flight sim. I also use a VRF seat pad which I bought many years ago after reading a review on this site. That of course works without VR too.




  6. I wouldn't expect the NDA to be lifted. Alpha NDAs are often left in place even after release. And when it comes to questions like yours, it's largely irrelevant what happened in the alpha as the final product is what matters.


    I think the Alpha will become unavailable (no access etc) when they finally drop the NDA, & as you say, the sim will probably have been released by then anyway.

    For a moment, I thought it’d already happened yesterday as it took me a couple of try’s to connect.


    Regards, Steve

  7. I’ve just placed my order for the Premium Deluxe. I guess I can say that I’ve been an Alpha tester now, but like the rest of us, I wasn’t expecting this news just yet!

    Not sure about upgrading from one version to another. I suppose they may let you upgrade with it being digital content.

    They also say you can order it on a disc.. how many discs will you need? Lol




  8. You can't compare VR to Trackir...trackir is basically a Hat switch on your head. I had trackir before moving to a full cockpit build with saitek pips. VR is a whole other universe...its like you are actually sitting in the plane looking around...trackir is just the image on the monitor moving around. BIG DIFFERENCE!


    With a decent rig you get great results in VR too...flying around the innsbruck addon in aerofly FS2 looks incredible.


    I couldn’t agree more. I too used Trackir for years & absolutely loved it. It added so much more realism to my virtual flying. I had built my own cockpit (of sorts). It had a panel of switches & buttons above my head & looked fantastic. The Trackir sensor was mounted in the ceiling of it. It worked perfectly.

    Then one day (several years later) I bought an Oculus Rift. WOW!! I was now sat in an actual cockpit.

    I dismantled my own thing... got rid of TrackIR & flew in VR from them on.

    Although I was a big fan of TrackIR, you can’t compare it with VR.


    However, currently I now use three 43” 4K TV’s as monitors and have a few Saitek gauges so I’m not using VR quite as much at the moment (due to using a certain sim), but I am so looking forward to trying MSFS when VR is added




  9. Welcome back :)

    I think there will be a lot of old simmers coming back to the hobby when MSFS is released, not to mention loads of newbies

    That’s quite a good rig you have there. I too upgraded mine a few weeks ago but only by getting an RTX 2080ti and a new (700w) PSU

    I already have 32Gb of ram.

    My cpu lets me down slightly... i7-7700k but it’s still not bad.

    I’m sure you won’t have any problems with that setup


    - Steve

  10. I am pretty sure MSFS will get VR, but just not straight away. Some of the Asobo team have said in interviews that they are fans of VR but at the moment it’s not a priority. When they do add VR, they want to do it right.

    What’s more, Xplane and P3D have it. Even FSX has it with the Fluinside plugin.

    Anyone tried FlyInside’s own flight sim? The graphics & scenery need a lot of work but they VR is spot on! It is so immersive.

    I can’t wait to try MSFS with VR. I’m confident it will happen, but we might have to wait a year


    - Steve

  11. Hi Mitch, thanks for that.

    I read once (on here I think) that your eyes should be at the same height as the horizon on your screen & I think car seats are perfect, especially if you can adjust them.

    You’ve even got part of an SUV? Sounds good :)


    I’m also looking forward to the release of FS2020 - it looks fantastic!




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