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Posts posted by rick

  1. Din højdemåler er ikke indstillet til den rigtige indstilling.


    Højdemåleren skal indstilles til det rigtige lufttryk.

    Lufttrykket højt i luften er lavere end lufttrykket på jorden. Jo højere du går, jo lavere er lufttrykket. Højdemåleren måler lufttrykket omkring flyet og viser dig den højde dit fly er på.


    For at nulstille højdemåleren til det rigtige tryk skal du trykke på 'b' tasten på tastaturet.


    (lufttrykket på jorden varierer fra sted til sted. I en anden by kan lufttrykket på jorden være anderledes.

    Så mens du flyver gennem landet, bliver du nødt til at trykke på 'b' undertiden. Gør det hvert 30. minut for at nulstille høydemåleren.)


    ((Lufttrykket ændres også, når vejret ændrer sig. Så en vejrændring er også en god grund til at trykke på 'b' for at nulstille din højdemåler.))

  2. Name: gfa_adam_a500_and_a700.zip

    Size: 245,723,212 Date: 09-11-2019 Downloads: 266



    fbq1.giffcq1.gif FSX/P3D Adam A500 And A700. Very little information about the Adam Aircraft is available from the internet so the development of the virtual models are not 100% renditions especially as far as the cockpit and instrument panels are concerned. There may also be some deviations to the rest of the interior and exterior models. I modelled both the A500 piston engine and the A700 Jet so you can have the best of two worlds with these two aircraft. Works with FSX SP2/Accelleration, FSX: Steam and Prepar3D. By Simon Smeiman.

  3. I would like to apologize to people for my use of 'nuf said'.

    First of all, I did not say enough as Nels pointed out. I should

    have mentioned the support option which unfortunately, I took

    for granted that everyone would try that first. I was trying to

    be cute/funny but obviously this was not an appropriate response.


    To any who were offended, please accept my most sincere apologies.


    Thank you for reading,


  4. I have to say that as a customer and a contributor to this hobby(six aircraft repaints starting as far back as 2010) that I feel I am being left out in the cold. Your statement in BOLD above evidently does not apply to me, either as a customer or a contributor, in this situation. I am deeply disappointed. BTW, you didn't answer the questions I asked.


    First of all, the first thing I told you was that you were not our customer, now or then.

    As far as I know, www.flightsimstore.com is in Australia and out of business.

    I told you that in 2010 we were associated with the FSPilotShop.

    I told you that in 2018 we stopped doing business with FSPilotShop.

    I told you that we don't have access to the FSPilotShop database.

    Our store is FlightSim.Com Store @ https://store.flightsim.com


    The only thing left that I can possibly do for you is give you a big virtual hug

    and wish you the best!



  5. To be clear, beginning around 2004 and ending late 2018, FlightSim.Com

    advertised products for what was/is called the FSPilotShop. Due to late

    and non-existing payments, we could no longer continue down that path.

    I can also say that more than a few vendors received the same treatment.


    In order to protect our web sites and and serving the community, Nels

    and I finally decided it was time to run our own store. The result is what

    some consider to be a world class fully responsive online store. Our wish is

    to provide top of the line service to the customer and the Developer or Publisher.

    We make sure that every customer is happy, and if not, we work with them and

    the Developer or Publisher to make sure they get the help they need.


    We believe we have served the community faithfully during the last 23 years

    and hope that you will support us in this endeavor.


    Blue Skies!


  6. Wow! You sure know how to jump to a conclusion! I have long ago

    replied to this when he submitted a ticket to us rather than the store

    that sold him the product. If and when the PilotShop officially goes out

    of business we have requested that we be able to fulfill previous customer's

    orders. We do not have their database so there is no way for us to help

    these customers, but we do point them to the appropriate Publisher or

    Developer for assistance.


    Thank you for your understanding!



    ps "Incidents like these"? We have never owned a store before!

  7. The store we used in 2010 is not longer affiliated with or recommended by FlightSim.Com.

    We started our own store to support this web site in October 2018. The old store provides

    NO support for any of our libraries or features. First Class memberships and sales from our

    own store, now fully support FlightSim.Com and our contributions to community efforts.


    If you wish to purchase an item from the FlightSim.Com Store: https://store.flightsim.com,

    you will receive the same fine service that Nels and I have provided to the community for the

    last 23 years. It will also allow us to keep the file library and forums up and running while providing

    help to new and old visitors alike with the talents of our moderators and selfless experts.


    Thank you for your support,


  8. To create an embedded YouTube video link:



    You can use a BB tag like this:




    So if the YouTube Video is located at:



    Take the code behind the = sign and dump it between the YouTube brackets where the XXXXXXX's are:




    and then it will be embedded.


    If you are using the message posting editor, just click the YouTube icon and it will put the YouTube tags in your post and you just paste in the video code.


    That's all there is to it. Let's get them videos!

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