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Everything posted by skypeace

  1. Thought I had at least until October to get ready for MSFS but here it comes next week so I got a new Alienware R10 PC shipped to me on Monday, and thus I only purchased the Deluxe version for the Cessna 172 with the steam gauges, the rest I can upgrade to later. I only sim in GA aircraft so I am not enticed by the Heavies. What I don't get is why does anyone care and push what their financial decision was on others? Personally I am just glad MS came back into the Flight Sim game, had they never left there would have never been a reason for XPlane, something I have always seen as a sort of red headed step child. Tuesday the 18th is neigh. Friend: "Remember 2020, what a year?" Skypeace: "Yep I remember that was the year MS Flight Simulator debuted.
  2. Digital Rights Management and the jacket is an entity that oversees it.
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