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Everything posted by flightguy02

  1. For the moderators, I'm glad my post was allowed, as I figured out my issue. The Satellite imagery is back and looks like the original picture. I had noticed that, while the settings were all turned on, I couldn't access the marketplace on the main page. A little (250 or so websites later) research revealed that I was logged out of the Xbox live but still logged in to Microsoft store app on my PC. Logging out of both, and logging back in cleared the Marketplace issue. It also brought back the satellite imagery. So, for anyone else noticing that the settings are correct, but still no Sat images, log off and back on both MS Shop and Xbox live.
  2. I had just bought MSFS about a week before the update. I started flying around my house, which the area was very well represented in almost a satellite style imagery. Then the update came out and everything changed. Now it doesn't look anything like the way it really does. The satellite imagery is gone and replaced with a basic default style. I've check all of my settings and everything is still on.
  3. I wish there was a way to roll back. I fly out around the airport my parents live near in Delaware, and the Update II USA messed up the trees and textures. They look great, but before the update it was much more realistic than it is now.
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