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Everything posted by rfnagel

  1. The file is now live here in the Flightsim.com file libraries, snag it from right here -> https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&fsec=0&fname=fs2kwtbr.zip :)
  2. The file is now live here in the Flightsim.com file libraries, snag it from right here -> https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&fsec=0&fname=fs2kwtbr.zip :)
  3. 15 downloads

    FS2K Windows Titlebar Remover This simple AutoHotkey script will remove the Windows titlebar from any program or game running in windowed mode under Windows 10+. This is perfect for games (such as Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 or Combat Flight Simulator 2) that don't render properly (or suffer from poor framerate) when run in fullscreen mode under Windows 10+, yet function well when run in a fullscreen window. This AutoHotkey script doesn't suffer from some of the performance issues that DDrawCompat (or any other Direct3D or DirectDraw "wrapper") may introduce when attempting to accomplish the same thing. After running the program or game and putting it in fullscreen windowed mode, press the left Windows key and the left mouse button simultaneously to remove the Windows titlebar. Press the left Windows key and the right mouse button simultaneously to display the Windows titlebar. Note that if you run a program or game as an administrator, or have any of the various Windows compatibility modes enabled, you will need to execute this AutoHotkey script as an administrator for it to function when running the program or game. By Rich Nagel
  4. 27 downloads

    CFS2 Windows Titlebar Remover This simple AutoHotkey script will remove the Windows titlebar from any program or game running in windowed mode under Windows 10+. This is perfect for games (such as Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 or Combat Flight Simulator 2) that don't render properly (or suffer from poor framerate) when run in fullscreen mode under Windows 10+, yet function well when run in a fullscreen window. This AutoHotkey script doesn't suffer from some of the performance issues that DDrawCompat (or any other Direct3D or DirectDraw "wrapper") may introduce when attempting to accomplish the same thing. After running the program or game and putting it in fullscreen windowed mode, press the left Windows key and the left mouse button simultaneously to remove the Windows titlebar. Press the left Windows key and the right mouse button simultaneously to display the Windows titlebar. Note that if you run a program or game as an administrator, or have any of the various Windows compatibility modes enabled, you will need to execute this AutoHotkey script as an administrator for it to function when running the program or game. By Rich Nagel
  5. I stumbled on an old Microsoft UK web page for Flight Simulator 2000 over at the Internet Archive, link to the cached version of the web page here -> https://web.archive.org/web/20001001035230/http://www.microsoft.com/uk/games/fs2000 . On that page they mention an official Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 screensaver: Of course, that web page is long since gone, and unfortunately the Internet Archive doesn't have a cached copy of that ZIP file. Would anyone happen to know of a working download link for that file, or possible have that ZIP in their backups? I realize that it's (probably) nothing but a simple slideshow screensaver, but I though it might be cool to have :) P.S. Best of luck Googling "FS2000.ZIP" LOL!
  6. Thanks for the info, but that wouldn't help. The problem that we have is not running the game itself (the game runs just fine), but simply connecting via IP. One of my buddies still has a Windows XP rig and has tried hosting (as well as joining) the multiplayer game, but still no luck. I'm really thinking that it has something to do with a Windows update to W10, but I'm not sure. The problem now is that my buddies have just about lost interest... I really need to nag them to get them to try this thing out again. We REALLY had a LOT of fun playing CFS2 multiplayer games. We played at least 3-4 evenings a week. and not all that long ago either, we started slacking off as early as a year ago. All of our CFS2 MP games were played on the same PCs and OSs that we currently have... very little has changed, hardware or OS wise. P.S. The MP games that you described and played sounds quite COOL! :) BTW, do you still play CFS2? If so, maybe we could try an MP connection some time.
  7. (re: invalid file error message for attachment) I went ahead and uploaded the ZIP here to the FlightSim.com file libraries, it should be available for download after it's approved :)
  8. (re: invalid file error message for attachment) I went ahead and uploaded the ZIP here to the FlightSim.com file libraries, it should be available for download after it's approved :)
  9. Sorry about the late reply, and many thanks for the info :) If I knew that a specific FS2002 CD on EBay had the demo of CFS2 (demo, OR beta version, doesn't matter), I'd buy it in a heartbeat :)
  10. FWIW, I posted this in another message thread here in the forums: The problem is due to running FS2000 fullscreen under Windows 10. If you switch to a fullscreen window, the problem disappears, but of course you're left with the windowed titlebar . Anyhow, I had previously experimented with a Direct3D wrapper called "DDrawCompat", but after a lot of twiddling around with it found that it really affected my framerate a LOT... LOTS of stutters and such. That being said, I HAVE finally found a workaround, all without suffering from the framerate problems when using DDrawCompat. Download the utility "AutoHotkey" from https://www.autohotkey.com . After installing AutoHotkey, create a plain text file with the file extension of ".AHK" with the following contents: LWIN & LButton:: WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A return LWIN & RButton:: WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, A return ...and save it to the filename "Windows_Titlebar_Remover.ahk". After loading the AHK script into AutoHotkey you can press the left Windows key and the left mouse button simultaneously to remove the Windows titlebar. Press the left Windows key and the right mouse button simultaneously to display the Windows titlebar. Note that if you run FS2000 as an administrator, or have any of the various Windows compatibility modes enabled, you will need to execute the AutoHotkey script as an administrator for it to function when running the program. You can also go a step further and compile the AHK script into a standalone EXE :) I had a ZIP that I was going to upload as an attachment to this reply, but the forum was giving me an error message "Invalid file" or some such nonsense . Anyways, this fix works PERFECTLY... you can run FS2000 in windowed mode, all without the titlebar, and without any of the performance issues that DDrawCompat (or any other Direct3D wrapper) may introduce :)
  11. The problem is due to running FS2000 fullscreen under Windows 10. If you switch to a fullscreen window, the problem disappears, but of course you're left with the windowed titlebar . Anyhow, I had previously experimented with a Direct3D wrapper called "DDrawCompat", but after a lot of twiddling around with it found that it really affected my framerate a LOT... LOTS of stutters and such. That being said, I HAVE finally found a workaround, all without suffering from the framerate problems when using DDrawCompat. Download the utility "AutoHotkey" from https://www.autohotkey.com . After installing AutoHotkey, create a plain text file with the file extension of ".AHK" with the following contents: LWIN & LButton:: WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A return LWIN & RButton:: WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, A return ...and save it to the filename "Windows_Titlebar_Remover.ahk". After loading the AHK script into AutoHotkey you can press the left Windows key and the left mouse button simultaneously to remove the Windows titlebar. Press the left Windows key and the right mouse button simultaneously to display the Windows titlebar. Note that if you run FS2000 as an administrator, or have any of the various Windows compatibility modes enabled, you will need to execute the AutoHotkey script as an administrator for it to function when running the program. You can also go a step further and compile the AHK script into a standalone EXE :) I had a ZIP that I was going to upload as an attachment to this reply, but the forum was giving me an error message "Invalid file" or some such nonsense . Anyways, this fix works PERFECTLY... you can run FS2000 in windowed mode, all without the titlebar, and without any of the performance issues that DDrawCompat (or any other Direct3D wrapper) may introduce :)
  12. It appears that DDrawCompat is working GREAT for FS2000... no more 3D view window problems like I mentioned above. I ALSO think that it's boosting the framerate a wee bit. For me FS2000 gets a bit choppy on my old clunker with all of the detail settings maxed out. BTW, you can change DDrawCompat's ingame overlay that hotkey if you wish. In FS2000 I have several custom modules that use SHIFT+F11 (as well as SHIFT+F12) for their hotkeys. A simple fix: I added "ConfigHotkey = CONTROL+F11" to DDrawCompat's INI file, so now i can use that hotkey :)
  13. flightnerd86, BTW, off-topic, I sent you an email last night. Had problems with sending you a PM here at Flightsim.com.
  14. Yeah, I use an older version of that DLL (as well as the previously mentioned ones) for quite a few other older games as well. Papyrus Software's NASCAR Racing 3 and NASCAR Legends, Sierra's Trophy Bass 4, JetFighter III: Platinum Edition for DOS (3DFX Voodoo version) running under a DOSBox SVN Daum build, Hard Truck 2 and King of the Road, and Microsoft Midtown Madness... LOTS of fun! :) P.S. I STILL play single-player CFS2 quite extensively today. Me and my buds used to play CFS2 multiplayer games several times a week (2014-2021), but slacked off only about a year ago. Several months ago we decided to get back into CFS2 multiplayer again, but could NOT connect... NO WAY, NO HOW !. I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what the 'eff is up with that: SAME PCs, SAME OS (W10), SAME ISPs, and SAME installs of our copies of the game. We STILL have not had any luck with it. Didn't matter who hosted either.
  15. I've been experimenting with various DirectDraw wrappers (dgVoodoo2, nGlide, etc...) and recently found DDrawCompat -> https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/releases/tag/v0.4.0 . I have quite a bit more testing to do with DDrawCompat to see if it causes any bad side effects, but on my first quickie test it seemed like that it SOLVED the problem! :) I need to also check if there is any hit to the framrate in the game. Anyhow, download DDrawCompat-v0.4.0.zip (not the debug version) from here -> https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/releases/download/v0.4.0/DDrawCompat-v0.4.0.zip , unzip the single "DDraw.dll" file to your FS2000 directory on your hard drive, and see if it helps. To uninstall, simply delete the "DDraw.dll" file. I saw over at the DDrawCompat web site that the DLL can be configured via an INI file -> https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/wiki/Configuration , but I haven't delved that far into it yet. Anyhow, this might be the fix :)
  16. Sorry for bumping this old thread, but I'm quite curious about the CFS2 demo. I had previously posted something here -> http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/102542-Beta-version-or-demo-of-CFS2 about a beta version of CFS2, and I wonder if the CFS2 demo that you mention that's on some of the FS2002 CDs is actually the beta version of CFS2? Any idea of which versions of FS2002 included the CFS2 demo? I'd buy one in a heartbeat :)
  17. (Sorry for the cross-forum posting, but I figured this might get more attention here than in my original post over in the "basement") I'm running Windows 10 and Flight Simulator 2000 (Professional Edition, if that matters). A problem that I'm having is that the top edge of the instrument panel is BEHIND the main 3D view window. I can resize the instrument panel, or the main 3D view window, but of course that looks really bad. (See attached screenshots) Several days ago I read SOMEWHERE on the Internet about someone who found a fix for this, but to save my #$%^&*& LIFE and I can't find it ! Does anyone have ANY idea how to overcome this problem? IT'S DRIVING ME NUTZ!
  18. I'm running Windows 10 and Flight Simulator 2000 (Professional Edition, if that matters). A problem that I'm having is that the top edge of the instrument panel is BEHIND the main 3D view window. I can resize the instrument panel, or the main 3D view window, but of course that looks really bad. (See attached screenshots) Several days ago I read SOMEWHERE on the Internet about someone who found a fix for this, but to save my #$%^&*& LIFE and I can't find it ! Does anyone have ANY idea how to overcome this problem? IT'S DRIVING ME NUTZ!
  19. I recently downloaded and installed Abacus Software's old "EZ-Landmark" and "EZ-VFR" addons for FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 and discovered that they work fairly well with Combat Flight Simulator 2. Note that in order for these addons to be useful you have to import all of the FS2000 scenery into CFS2, which I already have done. Now to the dilemma: Since Abacus Software is no longer around or in business, and the addons must be unlocked with paid registration keys to allow them to be used to their full potentials, what to do? I did find one boxed copy of EZ-Landmark on EBay, but I have a hunch that the registration code that comes with it might not work with the latest/last versions of the addons that I have downloaded and installed. (To the admins/mods: Sorry for the subforum crossposting, this applies to CFS2/FS2000/FS2002/FS2004)
  20. I recently downloaded and installed Abacus Software's old "EZ-Landmark" and "EZ-VFR" addons for FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 and discovered that they work fairly well with Combat Flight Simulator 2. Note that in order for these addons to be useful you have to import all of the FS2000 scenery into CFS2, which I already have done. Now to the dilemma: Since Abacus Software is no longer around or in business, and the addons must be unlocked with paid registration keys to allow them to be used to their full potentials, what to do? I did find one boxed copy of EZ-Landmark on EBay, but I have a hunch that the registration code that comes with it might not work with the latest/last versions of the addons that I have downloaded and installed. (To the admins/mods: Sorry for the subforum crossposting, this applies to CFS2/FS2000/FS2002/FS2004)
  21. I recently downloaded and installed Abacus Software's old "EZ-Landmark" and "EZ-VFR" addons for FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 and discovered that they work fairly well with Combat Flight Simulator 2. Note that in order for these addons to be useful you have to import all of the FS2000 scenery into CFS2, which I already have done. Now to the dilemma: Since Abacus Software is no longer around or in business, and the addons must be unlocked with paid registration keys to allow them to be used to their full potentials, what to do? I did find one boxed copy of EZ-Landmark on EBay, but I have a hunch that the registration code that comes with it might not work with the latest/last versions of the addons that I have downloaded and installed. (To the admins/mods: Sorry for the subforum crossposting, this applies to CFS2/FS2000/FS2002/FS2004)
  22. I posted this message over at Sim Outhouse, yet after about two dozen replies, NO luck. Maybe someone here could shed some light on this (copy 'n' paste follows)? Me and two of my buddies used to play numerous multiplayer games with CFS2 for several years. Earlier last year we slacked off, and haven't played since then. We decided to get back in to CFS2 multiplayer games again, but ran into a MAJOR snag... we can't seem to connect . When we were playing about a year ago we could ALL connect to each via TCP/IP other without ANY problems at all, it didn't matter which of us hosted. We always had good connections, and were able to connect to each other quite easily and quickly. Last night we decided to give it a whirl again, but had NO luck whatsoever. We all tried hosting, but the hosts' game NEVER showed up in CFS2 for the other two players. We all have exceptions added to the Windows firewall for CFS2.EXE, as well as opened our ports for our routers, just like we did about a year ago. All of us are currently running Windows 10, just like a year ago with one exception: My PC is one that one of my buddies gave me earlier this year, and is the EXACT SAME ONE (and the existing OS that was on it) that he used a year ago to connect to me. I was on an Windows XP machine at the time, but he bought a new one earlier this year and gave me the one that I'm currently using. The one that I'm currently using has had NO Windows updates installed on it since I first got it from him. That being said, like I mentioned above, I was using a Windows XP machine at the time, but am now currently using the EXACT Windows 10 PC that one of my buddies gave me that he was using a year ago to connect and/or host. The other buddy has two PCs... also, the same ones that he had a year ago, one a Windows 10 PC and the other a Windows XP PC. He ALSO used to be able to host and connect with either of those two PCs back then. Anyhow, fast-forward to last night: NO luck at all connecting with CFS2 regardless of who attempted to host. Does anyone have any ideas? This is driving us/me NUTZ! Other multiplayer games seem to working just fine, games on Steam, TeamSpeak, and EVEN the old Quake II, etc... but NOT CFS2 :( P.S. SIDE NOTE: When we were heavily playing CFS2 multiplayer a year ago or so, we would occasionally announce the games here in the Sim Outhouse forum. We even had someone from here join us one time, he was able to connect to us via TCP/IP as well at that time without a problem.
  23. I've used the panels from the FS2000 Aircraft and Adventure Converter ("AAFConv.exe") for several jet powered aircraft that I've added to CFS2. The problem that I'm seeing is that several of the gauges aren't being displayed properly (see attached screenshots: one is the "FSFSConv\Panel.Jet.Light.2" panel, and the other is the "FSFSConv\Panel.Jet.Heavy.2" to show examples of the problem). I noticed that in the "Panel.cfg" files for the FSFSConv all of the gauge entries are for older FS98 gauges (which I do have copied into my "Gauges" subdirectory, so I know that they are all there). Here are snippets from the "Panel.cfg" files with the parts refering to the FS98 gauges: "FSFSConv\Panel.Jet.Light.2" "Panel.cfg" gauge00=Lear_45.Elevator-Trim, 1020, 207, 40 gauge01=Lear_45.AOA, 160, 90 gauge02=Lear_45.Chronometer, 110, 186 gauge03=Lear_45.Light_Switches, 68, 275 gauge04=Lear_45.PFD, 252, 48 gauge05=Lear_45.EICAS, 534, 48 gauge06=Lear_45.Autopilot, 818, 47 gauge07=Lear_45.Radio_Stack, 822, 205 gauge08=Lear_45.Warning_Enunciators, 818, 135 gauge09=Lear_45.Gear, 1015, 293 gauge10=Lear_45.Control_Surfaces, 1085,207,75 "FSFSConv\Panel.Jet.Heavy.2" "Panel.cfg" gauge00=737-400.Controls.2, 1157, 428 gauge01=737-400.Airspeed, 147, 140 gauge02=737-400.Autopilot, 767, 52 gauge03=737-400.Flaps, 1155, 32 gauge04=737-400.Altimeter, 611, 154 gauge05=737-400.Vertical-Speed, 612, 302 gauge06=737-400.Fuel-Quantity, 609, 452 gauge07=737-400.Main-Set, 762, 200 gauge08=737-400.NWS, 178, 528 gauge09=737-400.OMI, 5, 178 gauge10=737-400.Oil, 978,200 gauge11=737-400.Warning_Enunciators, 807, 135 gauge12=Extra-300.Control_Surfaces, 630, 40, 120 gauge13=737-400.Clock-Sim-rate, 36, 320 gauge14=737-400.RMI, 178, 319 gauge15=737-400.ADI, 334, 55 gauge16=737-400.HSI, 334, 301 gauge17=737-400.Landing-Gear, 1170, 137 I've tried this under Windows 10 as well as Windows XP, so I don't think that it's an OS problem. Note that I don't currently have FS2000 installed, so I can't test if the problem is there in that sim. BTW, I just discovered this problem when installing this fictional aircraft for CFS2 ("SuperCar") -> http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~bat/GA/supercar-msfs.html (the download for the CFS2 version is here -> http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~bat/GA/SC-MODEL/MSFS/sc_fs2000.zip ). The panel for the supercar indeed uses a slightly edited version of the "FSFSConv\Panel.Jet.Light.2" panel with the older FS98 gauges that panel uses, and that's where I first found this problem. Does anyone have any idea what coulod cause these problems with the older FS98 gauges under CFS2? Funny thing is, the FSFSConv prop engine gauges seem to work just fine when using those panels (Panel.Recip.FG.1/Panel.Recip.RG.1/etc...).
  24. Hi Folks, I just bought the Thrustmaster MFD Cougar Pack set of game controllers ( http://www.thrustmaster.com/products/mfd-cougar-pack ) which I was HOPING that I could use with CFS2. As a user of the old QuickShot MasterPilot eons ago, I was excited to find that there was a modernized version of that piece of hardware. The Thrustmaster MFD Cougar is a USB device that is recognized in Windows as a 28 button game controller. I can test the buttons in the Windows Game Controllers control panel and they work fine. I've also tried it in several other games (as well as under the DOSBox DOS emulator), and they all recognize the controller buttons without any issues. I've even been able to program buttons using the utilities "AutoHotkey" and "JoyToKey", and they also recognize the controller's buttons. Lastly, I also use the addon module "FSUIPC" in CFS2, and it ALSO recognizes the buttons while in CFS2. BUT, CFS2 on it's own doesn't seem to recognize the MFD Cougars. When I go into the controller assignments options within the game, they are NOT displayed in the "Joystick Types" dropdown box... hence I can't directly assign the controllers' buttons within the game. I could use AutoHotkey or JoyToKey to manually program the buttons, but you know... that's a PITA. Any idea of what could cause this? I've never seen a controller that CFS2 wouldn't recognize.
  25. P.S. A few little weird obscure ways to have some more fun with these missions: Fun #1) Start one of the easier missions (the Allied AI have a better chance of shooting all of the enemies down by themselves in the easier versions of the missions). Install and use the addon module "CFO Weather v7.5.7" ( http://www.mwgfx.co.uk/Cfsops/Modules/cfo_weather/Cfo_Weather_75.htm ) so that you can "warp" to a distant airfield while actually in the mission (so that the enemy AI can't shoot at you and destroy your aircraft). Go into "Chase" view (the "C" key for Flight Simulator controls). Use the "TAB" key (Flight Simulator controls) to cycle through the chase views of the various AI aircraft, ships, vehicles, and static objects in the mission. Pan around and move in and out with your joystick HAT, zoom in and out with the " " and "-" keys, and enjoy a nice "high action" war movie! :) Fun #2) Backup your "Multiplayer.mis" file in the "CFS2" directory on your hard drive. Then copy one of the ".MIS" mission files and matching ".DYN" dynamic files (located in the "CFS2\MISSIONS" directory on your hard drive) to the file "Multiplayer.mis" and "Multiplayer.dyn". Copy the "Multiplayer.mis" and "Multiplayer.dyn" files to your main "CFS2" directory on your hard drive (you DID back up the original "Multiplayer.mis" file, RIGHT?). Start a new "Free For All" TCP/IP multiplayer game, and enjoy all of the fighting. Hehe, *ALL* of the aircraft, ships, and vehicles in the game are enemies with each other... AND YOU as well LOL! After all of the carnage, ensure that you RESTORE your ORIGINAL "Multiplayer.mis" file, as well as deleting the "Multiplayer.dyn" file in your main "CFS2" directory. (As mentioned above, you DID back up the original "Multiplayer.mis" file, RIGHT?) Fun #3) Copy one of the ".MIS" mission files and matching ".DYN" dynamic files (located in the "CFS2\MISSIONS" directory on your hard drive) to the file "QC.mis" and "QC.dyn". Copy the "QC.mis" and "QC.dyn" files to your main "CFS2" directory on your hard drive. Start a new "Quick Combat" game. Hehe, you can't really "win" the mission, but after all of the actual mission's enemies are shot down, it's fun watching the Allied aircraft, ships, and vehicles shoot down each newly spawned "Quick Combat" enemy :) Afterwards, simply delete the "QC.mis" and "QC.dyn" files in your main "CFS2" directory on your hard drive. P.P.S. Yeah, I KNOW... I'm EASILY AMUSED LOL! :)
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