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Posts posted by P.e.g.a.s.u.s

  1. Well, apparently a program-dependent issue, as you said. Perhaps you could check under Settings>Sound that you realtek speakers are pumped up, and then under Settings>Sound>advanced sound that MSFS isn't messing about there.

    Then the last attempt, beside a patch from asobo, cos I'm out of brain cells: on the task bar, click the bluetooth icon, and settings. then disable or off. You can always switch it on again later. Check that the realtek is default speaker, and launch MSFS.

    Good luck, and do post back if you solve the issue to let us know how you did it.

  2. Are your speakers wireless? The Asobo MSFS forums have some threads about loss of sound using bluetooth devices. Just checked again: stuff like this: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/unable-to-get-any-sound/234119


    Have you just tried to select a different sound playback device as default before or while the sim is running? like after plugging in earphones? You could try that, then switch back to your speakers.

  3. My last rig was a bit like yours (OPs), but with a weaker graphics carrd in my case. I had XMP enabled with mild overclocking on the CPU to 4.5 GHz, but the system became increasing unstable after running without issue for about a year. In the end I disabled XMP and stability was better -though it was never completely stable as before. I'd never had such an unstable system, though I'd always built my rigs myself till then. That's history now - I'm getting old.

    Basically though, if the RAM sticks support XMP, and the board supports that particular RAM, you should be good to go. Still, I think it'd be better to follow loki's suggestion - if you can, and upgrade to the faster RAM.

  4. The opposite is true, if *memory* serves. Unless you run AMD, at least for a while I heard two slots might be just a tad faster. But your sig says Blue team, so stick with the 2x16. One advantage is of course that you can add another 2x16 down the line (preferentially of the same type). Do you have 2x 16 installed now?
  5. learpilot's helpful reply aside, your specs aren't far from mine, so at face value you should get the sim to run.

    I take it for granted that your PC runs smooth when it isn't runnig games. The game software is unlikely to be the problem, and waiting for a patch probably won't solve anything. As you bought the PC for the sim, then chances are it isn't quite up to date.

    A few ideas: upate to the latest nvidia graphics drivers. Close other programs, including vpn connections. Install on an SSD with sufficient overhead space, if possible. Do not use excessive monitor resolutions.

    However, you do say you have problems with other games, so you may need to do a bit more brainstorming. Try the technical forum.


  6. I recently bought a new PC, a shop build with 16 GB RAM (2x8GB). In addition to adding Nvme sticks, I added 32 GB (2x16) of the cheapest G.Skill variety i could find, and I have no freezing issues. For optimal speed and stability, as I understand it, it would be better to use faster sticks of the same model, but I am very happy with mine as I do not play much else.

    In my case the CPU appears to be more of a bottleneck - I suppose this comes down to raw clock speed. The sig is correct except that the GPU is a 'Super' variant. Will fixit.



  7. I've been wondering about them there scores...

    I'm like 10680th (-ish, I'm away at the mo.) on the first landing, but I wonder: does Asobo inactivate AI for landing? Of course it's my jealousy speaking, but so many top,top,top scores...

    are they all on 'hard' settings for realism?

    do they all use real-world weather?

    do they all have all effects enabled?

    All of this is irrelevant, if you just want to have fun. BUT if you want to 'pick up some tips', it'd help to have categories by parameters set. To my knowledge, this is not possible, yet.



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